1" 5.3lbs density MF ir 1" 20 ILD latex
Feb 21, 2012 7:41 AM
Joined: Oct 26, 2011
Points: 12
Trying to decide whether 1" 5.3lbs density MF or 1" 20ILD latex on top of a 2" 4lbs density MF topper. My DIY mattress seems not firm enough.
Re: 1" 5.3lbs density MF ir 1" 20 ILD latex
Reply #1 Feb 21, 2012 4:33 PM
Joined: Jun 8, 2011
Points: 100
I've actually been debating the same idea-- looking for just a very thin layer of pressure relief. either 1" of memory foam or 1" or latex- maybe even like 14ILD latex. Memory foam is certainly less expensive, but latex certainly has it's advantages also.

we've moved to a pretty firm innerspring with 2" of 25ILD talalay mattress, which feels good, but could use JUST a bit of "soft" on top for pressure relief :)

would love to hear thoughts from others also

Re: 1" 5.3lbs density MF ir 1" 20 ILD latex
Reply #2 Feb 22, 2012 6:39 AM
Joined: Aug 1, 2009
Points: 175
Dallasgirl wrote:

I've actually been debating the same idea-- looking for just a very thin layer of pressure relief. either 1" of memory foam or 1" or latex- maybe even like 14ILD latex.

I suggest that you not go below 19 ILD in latex.  My 14ILD stuff is way too squishy and insubstantial; it was an expensive mistake.

Re: 1" 5.3lbs density MF ir 1" 20 ILD latex
Reply #3 Feb 23, 2012 7:20 AM
Joined: Oct 15, 2009
Points: 966
pdown77 wrote:

Trying to decide whether 1" 5.3lbs density MF or 1" 20ILD latex on top of a 2" 4lbs density MF topper. My DIY mattress seems not firm enough.

Generally toppers are added to make it softer and more comfortable, and not firmer.  Especially memory foam.   So, adding more memory foam probably does not make sense, and the problem may be with the 2" of 4lb you already have.  

Putting 1" of firmer latex on top might make it feel firmer.   Or, you may be better with 1" of latex and 1" of memory foam.   So, it would make sense to start with the latex and see if that makes it better.   You could also try with the latex and without the 2" of memory foam to see if that is too firm.

A tight fitting wool topper can also make a mattress feel firmer (less sinking in).


Re: 1" 5.3lbs density MF ir 1" 20 ILD latex
Reply #4 Feb 24, 2012 7:20 AM
Joined: Jun 8, 2011
Points: 100
Ah, good call Sandman- I didn't originally catch that the OP's mattress was not firm enough- thought it was too firm. Ours isn't TOO firm, but just a small amount of cush might be nice on top- no more than 1". Thinking maybe 1" ventilated memory foam or 1" of either 14 or 19 ILD talalay latex.

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