100% natural vs. blend latex at Flobeds
Oct 8, 2009 5:55 PM
Joined: Oct 3, 2009
Points: 32
Hi, I am considering buying a latex mattress from Flobeds I have been trying foam beds, but no thinking it is better to go with a latex bed I can customize.

My main first decision is whether to go with the 100% natural vs. blended latex. On a brief phone conversation, they seem to indicated no real performance differences. Almost like they were pushing the blend over the 100% natural. However, I would like other opinions if possible. The blended is cheaper, lighter and slightly thinner. All pluses for me. In concept, all natural sounds better. However, if no performance differences I would probably go with the blend.

What are the real performance differences? Your expert advise is appreciated!

Any thoughts on differences between Flobeds and Sleepez would be appreciated as well.

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