is 14ild latex topper from can someone help me to know if that is too soft for me
Sep 4, 2010 11:14 PM
Joined: Nov 17, 2009
Points: 81
would 2 inch  14ild  be too soft,   iam  5' 7, 200 lbs.,   i had  2 in. soft  from,  they don't say ild numbers and it was kind of like firm with some bouciness to it.   so i sent it back thinking that 2 in was too much  now with the 1in. foambymail soft it is not enough so i need to go back to 2in.  but maybe with a different type of latex like the talalay process . plus the 1in. from foambymail has the holes all over the place nothing is uniform  and the last 12in. on one side they is no holes at all all the way down . this i don't see could have come out of a mold so how did they make this 1in. piece.  the 2in. that i sent back was nice quality  not this 1in.   
This message was modified Sep 5, 2010 by tony

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