Hi All,
New to the forum but a long time lurker...any comments would greatly be appreciated. My dilemma... Current set up: 7 year old Hastens (can't for the life of me remember the model - it's discontinued - 2nd or 3rd from their bottom of the line model) with their horse hair mattress pad and 2in talalay latex topper. Way too firm and uncomfortable as time has passed...we toss and turn...back issues (relating to the mattress) I am 5'10' - 150lbs side sleeper and the wife is 5'3 - 115lbs back sleeper...we both like soft now... I would like to order a DIY full talalay latex 9in mattress and utilize the Hastens mattress as the base...does anyone have any experience or thoughts on the idea? I am trying to salvage at least part of the Hestens to save face with the wife:-) Can bring myself to throwing it out and none of my kids want it...LOL I was thinking the DIY base layer of the talalay latex would be extra firm, then firm, then medium with our 2in soft topper...or extra firm, medium and soft and topper. We have decided that softer is better...the Hastens was way too firm then and worse now. I am leaning towards mattresses247 on ebay because of their price point... Thank you very much in advance! Racer This message was modified Jan 3, 2013 by 1racer
The horse hair mattress pad on the Hastens is desinged to last 4-7 years. It is at the end of its life. The bed itself has a 25 year warranty. Have you looked into relacing the pad with a softer one? Last I looked it was $1300 to replace pad. I would contact Hastens and voice your displeasure and see what they can do for you.
I don't see how using your Hastens bed as a $10k box spring saves face ;) It is like putting a foam pad and carpet on walnut hardwood floors.
If you must I would place a soft 3" latex core on top of the bed and go from there. That way you are simply putting a mattress topper on your mattress. That,IMO,would save a little face. |
I take it you have a Firm Hastens mattress and box spring? They are beyond firm. Using a Firm Hastens box won't be as stable as a platform base, of course, but I would definitely try it under a latex set up, it may work beautifully and it might end up ideal: just a very little amount of give only where needed.
Where do you have the talalay topper in your current set up, above or below the horsehair topper? If you have a Medium and not a Firm Hastens, I would absolutely lose both the toppers and try sleeping directly on the Hastens mattress before buying a new one. I am no fan of their toppers. This message was modified Jan 7, 2013 by Angel
I just ordered a 100% natural 3 inch talalay latex (specifically ordered from Latex International) topper through mattresses.net...gonna try this on the Hastens mattress first and then add the the 2 inch blended talalay topper if I need it. The Hastens mattress is a medium firmness but their medium is FIRM. The old horse hair topper will be converted to a dog bed:-). Dont get me wrong, I love the Hastens but the horse hair topper is at the end of its economic life and way to firm even with the 2 in latex topper on top. I also tried the 2 inch topper by itself on the top of the mattress alone and was still uncomfortable. If the 3 in and 2 in don't suffice then my next move will be to add a split 6 in 100% natural talalay base, one side medium and one side soft to start. Mattresses.net says the soft or medium would work for me/wife and I can always switch one out if I need to for customization. I really like the feel of latex and hope the Hastens base works...wish me luck! Have a grand week! racer This message was modified Jan 9, 2013 by 1racer