99% of mattress sales people are ignorant, misleading customers
Jun 30, 2012 11:48 AM
Joined: Jun 17, 2012
Points: 23
99% is only a guess estimate. This been my experience with mattress sales people. 

some examples of misleading intentionally or not, examples of contradictory claims

First tempurpedic sales people:

sales p 1- tempurpedic is not a memory foam it is a special different type of foam,!!

then about 

tempurpedic mattresss protector - reviews on our web site under our protector are not for our protector but by people who mistakenly think they might have our protector!!!

sales p 2 - tempurpedic foam is a type of memory foam! what excuse me? one of you told me it is not memory foam!!!


relax the back -

sales person -

- Allura is softer then Grand bed

- cloud lux is firmer then cloud supreme




mattress firm-

all tempurpedic beds are 100 percent space age foam

there is no polyurethane in tempurpedic beds

AND where did you park your CAR!!!!! not once but twice asked by same sale person

while i wander the store asking her for help she is busy sitting pretending she is not noticing me......


and on and on it GOES............


CUSTOMERS ARE SCREWED if they have to deal with these people.......

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