Foundations available for Latex
Oct 30, 2013 6:51 PM
Joined: Sep 27, 2013
Points: 27
I have gotten a bit confused about the kind of foundation that is required for a Latex Mattress.

Though FloBeds' mattresses are competitively priced, the foundations they sell run from $600 to $800.  (I had read somewhere that paying over $400 is just an effort of the manufacturer to make up some for the competitive pricing for the mattress.  FloBeds offers Euroslat, Pine and Fir.  Whereas I can conceive of the difference of the Euroslat (maybe it gives more flexibility?) foundation, but cannot understand the difference between the other two, and am having a problem justifying the price. 

In addition, the opinion read is that the slats should be no more that two inches appart.  But if you look at FoamSweetFoam, their foundations don't come even close to the type of support that I would expect is needed.  Some even suggest you just use the Box Springs yu may currently have, unless they are practically falling apart :-)

If a foundation is a foundation, is a foundation, then I can purchase it anywhere, based on price, but any insight would be appreciated.


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