Length of Time on Display
Aug 16, 2008 6:53 PM
Joined: Aug 30, 2007
Points: 94
Here is my latest experience:  I recently purchased a mattress from Room and Board.  Restwell of Minnesota manufactures their mattresses.  I was very concerned that the bed I chose would be too soft when it arrived in my home but it turned out to be so much firmer that it didn't even seem like it could be the same mattress.  I can't stay on it for more than two hours and that is with two or more toppers on it.  I did research the specifications of the foam, etc., went back to lay on it twice, but the one question I forgot to ask before I purchased it was how long it had been on the floor.  I later learned that all of their mattresses had been on the floor for 2.5 years!.  I contacted Restwell by email to inquire if the mattress was still made to the same specifications and what difference I could expect when it was delivered.  This was their reply:

The specifications have not changed.  We encourage Room and Board to keep the samples on the floor as long as possible, this gives the customer a true indication of how the mattress will feel long term in their home.  The feel of a new mattress will feel different than the floor sample due to the "newness" of the product (it will be stiff and not as soft)- it will go through a break in period and then reach the feel of that sample that you have tried.  

Make sure to ask this question.  Maybe you will get an honest answer and can make a guess at how it will feel when delivered.  I can return it, and because I left the plastic on it, will not be subject to the 10% restocking fee.  I will probably be out the delivery/pickup fees but I intend to argue with them on that.

I don't know how one is ever supposed to get it right.  No matter how much time you spend on a mattress in the store, you never know what's going to arrive at your house.
Re: Length of Time on Display
Reply #1 Aug 23, 2008 7:29 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
That is why I love my FloBed that is a Latex kit since I was able to try it out and exchange latex cores to get it to be just right for me. I like how it has split cores and three layers and a topper so if I meet a partner that is for the long-term one day, they can move their latex cores around to get the firmness they like.  I could not sleep on anything softer than my set up that is very firm but with a thin soft latex topper that cushions my hips and feels wonderful.  So far my friends also love my bed and are surprised that the bed feels so good without pressure points the way I set up my latex cores with the wonderful zippered up mattress cover. 

Before my latex kit, I also liked the bed in the store but no one explained to me that buying just the mattress without the boxspring since I bought a platform bed at the store also would make the bed so much firmer. I suffered with too hard of a bed with no cushion at all on it for years.  My back never hurt but I moved from side to side all night to get off the pressure points. I knew I would never make that mistake again.  I seemed to have become allergic to the polyurethane foams in the conventional mattresses and that is when clients told me about their FloBed and how they both loved it.

I am glad you can return the bed.  I hope you find the right bed for you. 

Re: Length of Time on Display
Reply #2 Aug 24, 2008 4:49 PM
Joined: Aug 30, 2007
Points: 94
Thanks Lynn.  I did try a FloBed a couple of years ago.  It is a good product and the company is very easy to deal with but I couldn't make it work.  Latex is just not right for me.  I'm happy that you finally got your bed just the way you like it!

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