1" 32 ILD Queen Latex Topper (FBM) + 1 inch 5.9 lb Queen Mem Foam $40 each, Marietta (Atlanta) 30068
Aug 15, 2013 6:42 PM
Joined: Dec 11, 2009
Points: 113
Hi Folks,

For sale local in Marietta GA 30068, face to face cash sale:


Queen 1" Latex 32 ILD (medium) latex topper from www.foambymail.com which sells for $99 delivered.   Your price $40

Queen 1" 5.3 lb density memory foam topper from www.foamorder.com  (Sandman measured his at 5.9 lb density and quite firm) This has a stain on it

from the factory but does not hurt the functionality of it at all.  I placed the "sunburn" side down. 

These were my last attempts at improving my pretty good Beauty Rest Simmons which escaped the factory without a comfort layer with just 1 inch of 20 ILD latex topper from FBM on top.


One helpful aspect of a one inch topper is that you can fold it in half and judge whether 2 inches is what you really want.  So if you live close to Atlanta you can come pick these up on the cheap and experiment.  One inch of either has made quite a few folks happy as a big improvement over factory mattress, especially if the mattress is too firm.

  If you are interested, post a reply and I will put up my email addresst at a designated time for you to intercept and respond and will then take it back down ASAP.  Suggest a time to put it up for you to be looking for it.


Remember that this blog does not send you email notificationso of replies.


Thanks, shovel00   Paul


Re: 1" 32 ILD Queen Latex Topper (FBM) + 1 inch 5.9 lb Queen Mem Foam $40 each, Marietta (Atlanta) 30068
Reply #2 Aug 17, 2013 4:18 PM
Joined: Dec 11, 2009
Points: 113



HI Sandman, how are you doing?  Praises to your for still hanging out here and helping out.

I think I may have reported a while back that I bought a low end Simmons Beautyrest which escaped the factory with no appreciable comfort layer... and it was sold in their wholesale shop for $300.  After trying all sorts of 1" to 2 " combos of latex and mem foam, I have concluded that 1 inch 20 ILD FBM is just enough of a comfort layer.  And the SBR does the best of any mattress of conforming around the shoulders when side sleeping due to the longitudinal only connection of the coil pockets.  The coils under the shoulder bone and hip bone bear the weight and compress and the coil 'string' on either side not as much = support without pressure point.


So the answer is sleeping pretty well, thanks.  Not perfect, but back injury a couple of years ago on top of old bones and muscle is preventing Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh kind of comfort.


But reasonably close

What's your current combo?  About the same?


shovel99 .... Paul

sandman wrote:

Hi Paul, did either of those toppers work out for you?   What are you sleeping on now?   

Re: 1" 32 ILD Queen Latex Topper (FBM) + 1 inch 5.9 lb Queen Mem Foam $40 each, Marietta (Atlanta) 30068
Reply #3 Aug 19, 2013 2:24 PM
Joined: Oct 15, 2009
Points: 966
I having been using pretty much the same combo for the past 3 1/2 years.  Firm Seally springs, 2" of 32 latex, 1" 24 latex, 1" 5.9 memory foam, 1" 19 latex.   Sometimes I switch the layers around a bit to get a different feel. 

At this point, I don't think about the matress that much, which is probably a good sign.   It sleeps fine.  I tend to wake up earlier now a days, but I don't think that has anything to do with the mattress.  

Reply #4 Aug 22, 2013 3:11 AM
Joined: Dec 11, 2009
Points: 113
HI Sandman,


That is a pretty firm combo except for the top 2", and that appears to be a good thing.


When I was experimenting 3-4 years ago I was surprised to find that more inches of even 20 ILD 100% natural latex (I tried up to 6 inches on just the foundation) got harder as I added it, or at least that was the perception.

My current setup works pretty well.

I just added another inch of 20 ILD from FBM and that appears to give a little better conform around shoulder and hip in side sleep with minor penalty of not quite as AHHHH firm for lying on back.  I am now down to a boney 162 lb on my 6 foot frame ... 64 year old beat up frame... that is.

Great to hear from you and glad your mattress is working for you.



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