Any experience with foamsource 9" Royal Latex?
Jan 22, 2011 5:36 PM
Joined: Jan 22, 2011
Points: 7
I have been looking around for a new mattressa couple of weeks. I don't have a lot of money and I have been sleeping on a old cheap mattress since my wife left. I need to do something about the mattress because my back hurts for about a half hour after I wake up. Sometimes it wakes me up at night when I roll over.

This looks like some kind of "deal". It's dunlop and a soild core as best I can tell which I think suits me (6'2", 270/sidesleeper). It's less expensive than their other thinner dunlops. Why? Foam is domestic. Whats the deal? I'm ready to buy but I'd really like to know if anybody has any experience with this mattress or knows anything about it. I've read some very enlighting posts here and some of you folks seem very knowledgeable and helpful.


Thanks in advance,



Re: Any experience with foamsource 9" Royal Latex?
Reply #7 Jan 26, 2011 3:46 AM
Joined: Jan 22, 2011
Points: 7
Shipping by UPS ground from Boulder to Florida for 150 lbs. is around $150, so it would cost $300 to return it. Cowboy mentiond that it might be too firm but the fact that the mattress is 9 in. to start, that I can easily add an additional topper to soften it up. The fact that it's single core might help the deli sandwich factor.

The real question now is "can I afford it?" but no one on this board can help me answer that.

Re: Any experience with foamsource 9" Royal Latex?
Reply #8 Apr 22, 2011 5:11 PM
Joined: Jan 22, 2011
Points: 7


I finally got enough money together it buy the foamsource mattress. It's a very good deal. The zoned Dunlop does the trick. Quite firm but supple. No stress concentrations at all, even on my hip when I'm on my side. I'm 6'2" and 260 lbs, so that's no easy trick. Very impressive for a 9 in. thick mattress.  I am now able to sleep continously through the night without an agonising series of turn overs.

The seller was very professional.

I would like to thank this forum for helping me to make what turns out to be a very good and important decision. Money is tight for me but this has been worth every penny so far.

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