Dec 16, 2009 5:36 PM
Joined: Dec 16, 2009
Points: 11
I'm new here. I've spent a few hours poking around but haven't found any information on the mattress I'm considering: the Classic 8 by a company called Essentia ( They are a Canadian company that makes what is billed as the world's only natural memory foam. Has anyone heard of them? Thanks for taking the time to answer. -Michelle
Re: Essentia
Reply #49 Sep 2, 2012 3:45 PM
Joined: Feb 24, 2012
Points: 42
I recently went to the Essentia store in Santa Monica because i was curious if their memory foam would sleep hot.  I like some Tempurpedic beds but did not like the heat retention. The Essentia memory foam does not really strike me as a true memory foam. It springs back right away and does not leave an impression that lasts any length of time. It does succeed in giving a little less pushback than my Flobeds natural Talalay latex. I think somebody going to Essential and expecting a Tempurpedic experience will be disappointed. I found it difficult to descern any difference between the Essentia "memory foam" and a normal latex mattress.

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