Firm mattress / low Foam suggestions
Aug 26, 2010 6:55 PM
Joined: Aug 26, 2010
Points: 11

I  am considering getting a firm mattress with very low foam / topping in order to avoid sagging. I will use a  separate topper if needed. Any specific brand / model suggestions would be greatly appreciated

I am looking for a high quality mattress with alot of support , probably an innerspring


I live in Washington DC



This message was modified Aug 26, 2010 by Daveymo
Re: Firm mattress / low Foam suggestions
Reply #8 Oct 31, 2010 9:56 AM
Location: NE Ohio / NW Pennsylvania
Joined: Aug 26, 2010
Points: 62   is Imperial model 70, and I think it's probably the closest match to the one that I have in full size, although the model number is different. 

That Barron's site is a good place to page through the Imperial lineup.  You can't even get THAT much information from Imperial's site, lol.

Here is the "All" page:

That "Bed of Roses" set is a much soifter spring than this older full size set that I have.  They have change the moel 49 since I bought mine back in the late '80s or early '90s.  (I've been trying to fugure out what the equivilent is now, so I don't waste any money on the wrong thing.   It's nice haveing a decent bed to sleep on while figuring out what new bedding to buy, hehe.)

This message was modified Oct 31, 2010 by TC2334

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