First bed build, looking to use high density foams, no memory, latex etc.
Oct 19, 2016 1:27 AM
Joined: Oct 19, 2016
Points: 12
Hello, I am a newbie to bed building. I have used hd-hq foam in couch cushions for a long time and am pleased with the material. I like the idea of just using 6" hd36-hq so I can flip it etc, but know that will be a bit firm as I side sleep a lot, so am considering a couple inches of hd23-hq. I am 200 lbs. What do you think of this, will it be firm enough to sit up in bed to read, and soft enough to sleep on? I sleep on my couch all the time, the hd36 would make my arm go to sleep but after 6 years I think it's softened up a bit and now doesn't do that. Of course I don't want to wait that long on my bed. It's a full size slat platform frame. Should I go thicker for my weight and for firm support sitting up with the hd36?
Re: First bed build, looking to use high density foams, no memory, latex etc.
Reply #4 Dec 14, 2016 12:49 PM
Joined: Oct 19, 2016
Points: 12
If I was going to use latex as a comfort top layer what kind of latex and ild would you suggest? Dunlop, natural, blended, sythetic talalay?
Re: First bed build, looking to use high density foams, no memory, latex etc.
Reply #5 Dec 16, 2016 10:09 AM
Joined: Mar 27, 2014
Points: 189
You have to decide what best meets your requirements.  It does not seem that you are concerned about natural so blended would be ok for you.  As far as talalay vs. dunlop.  If you want it to last for a very long time go with talalay.  Since this is essentially just a topper then dunlop is a fine choice as well.  For my height and weight I would probably look for a 32 ILD which is just on the firm side of average.  Mattdud


If I was going to use latex as a comfort top layer what kind of latex and ild would you suggest? Dunlop, natural, blended, sythetic talalay?
Re: First bed build, looking to use high density foams, no memory, latex etc.
Reply #6 Jan 10, 2017 6:33 AM
Joined: Oct 19, 2016
Points: 12
What is your weight and build? 32 ild blended talalay seems ok, would be purchasing a 3" topper. There's also options for a 38 ild and a 44.
Re: First bed build, looking to use high density foams, no memory, latex etc.
Reply #7 Jan 11, 2017 1:49 AM
My name is John, I want uninterrupted sleep.
Location: indiana
Joined: Jan 11, 2017
Points: 1
I like memory foam type mattress.

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