How to store latex toppers?
Aug 4, 2013 7:51 PM
Joined: Nov 9, 2010
Points: 53
I haven't been on this board for a while. My story is here (well part of it anyway -- the beginning is here). Our mattress surgery and latex additions helped our mattress last about another 2 years. But my husband and I have decided that it's just not good enough right now and we need to bite the bullet and buy a new mattress. I'm pretty sure that all the enthusiatic wrestling with kids and between kids on our bed has just pushed the springs past the point of no return. Sigh.

So my question is this -- what can I do with the inner latex layers added after mattress surgery -- we have 2" of 32 and 1" of 20 ILD latex from Foam by Mail. How the heck do we compress/pack it up to store it in the garage? I want to save it in case we need it at a later point for another mattress surgery, but I don't want it to rip or tear and I'm not sure how to go about doing it. Any advice?


We also have a 2" natural talalay latex topper from Arizona Mattrress ILD 22 -- but we're planning to save that to use as a toper on the new bed.

Thanks :)

Re: How to store latex toppers?
Reply #1 Aug 5, 2013 10:47 AM
Joined: Oct 15, 2009
Points: 966
The way they ship them is folding them and putting them in a large sturdy plastic bag.  Then you use the hose from your vacuum cleaner to suck all the air out.   This will shrink the size. Twist and tape the end of the bag to keep the air from getting in. 

Most likely it will expand over time, so you may want to put it in a box right away and tape it shut. 

Not sure if this will hurt the latex over time.  

Re: How to store latex toppers?
Reply #2 Aug 12, 2013 1:51 PM
Joined: Nov 9, 2010
Points: 53
Thanks Sandman. Do you know where to get bags that big? It's 3" of king size toppers. I'm still thinking through the options here. 

And honestly, I keep wondering if we could just get 3 or so inches of a foam base, a terry cloth cover and 2" of good memory foam and still make our own. But for right now at least Jim wants to be done with trying to DIY it. So we are looking at Costco (or MAYBE Ikea -- at least the prices are good -- but I'm not so convinced about that option). 

Re: How to store latex toppers?
Reply #3 Aug 13, 2013 9:12 AM
Joined: Oct 15, 2009
Points: 966
Hi Stacy, Getting a bag for 3" king size will probably be tough.   I am not sure where you would find them , but I have never researched it.  I used the one that came with the topper, when I sent something back.

Here are the Flobeds instructions on how to pack for shipping.  They usually work in half sizes, which makes it easier.

Re: How to store latex toppers?
Reply #4 Aug 15, 2013 2:27 PM
Joined: Nov 9, 2010
Points: 53
Perfect! Thanks Sandman -- that helps a lot! :)

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