Looking for Latex Mattress dealer in Columbus, Oh area
Jan 6, 2011 9:52 AM
Joined: Jan 6, 2011
Points: 1
I'm looking to test out latex mattresses before purchasing but seem to not be able to find any dealers.  If anyone knows of any I would be greatly appreciated.
Re: Looking for Latex Mattress dealer in Columbus, Oh area
Reply #1 Jan 6, 2011 1:26 PM
Joined: Oct 3, 2010
Points: 809
There is a list for columbus posted recently (search "columbus") but this one is a little more complete. If the manufacturers listed here aren't close enough to visit they are probably worth a phone call to see if there is a retail outlet near you that carries them.

Good luck :)


http://www.originalmattress.com/locations Regional manufacturer. Make a wide range of good value mattresses including latex. Very good value
http://www.mackmattressoutlet.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=23&Itemid=41 Retailer. Carry Restonic and Dormia both of which make latex mattresses
http://www.sleeptitemattressfactory.com/products.html#lat Local manufacturer. Carry a 6" latex mattress but may make others as well.
http://www.furniturerow.com/locations/locationsByState.jsp?state=Ohio Manufacturer. Makes the Aspen and Snowmass both of which are mostly latex
http://www.bannermattress.com/Locations.php Local manufacturer. Make a line of mattresses including latex.
http://www.mattressinnovations.com/contact-us/contact-us Retailer. Carry (possibly manufacture) a private label line which includes latex
http://www.bedroomsfirst.com/whereweare.html Retailer. Carry a range of "alternate brands" but I don't see any that are all latex or wouldn't have a bunch of polyfoam in the top layers. May be worth checking
This message was modified Jan 6, 2011 by Phoenix

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