Replacing a latex mattress
Dec 16, 2014 4:44 PM
Joined: Dec 16, 2014
Points: 1
Years ago after I was experiencing shoulder pain and numbness, and after a bit a research, we bought a Sealy Newport Beach king latex mattress.
With the exception of the incredible heat, this was one of the best purchases ever! It is now time for a replacement, but all of my info is dated.
Any help on suggesting a comparable replacement that is hopefully cooler would be appreciated. Of course, better is better, and right now all comparable options are on the table. Thanks.
Re: Replacing a latex mattress
Reply #3 Feb 27, 2015 11:38 AM
Joined: Mar 27, 2014
Points: 189
Sconnie.  Agree with previous poster.  Put wool under you and over the mattress if you want it a little cooler.  How old is the mattress?  If it still supports you properly you can control temperature rather easily.  Mattdud


Years ago after I was experiencing shoulder pain and numbness, and after a bit a research, we bought a Sealy Newport Beach king latex mattress.
With the exception of the incredible heat, this was one of the best purchases ever! It is now time for a replacement, but all of my info is dated.
Any help on suggesting a comparable replacement that is hopefully cooler would be appreciated. Of course, better is better, and right now all comparable options are on the table. Thanks.

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