Spa Sensations Sleep Diary
Dec 29, 2014 11:53 AM
Joined: Nov 21, 2011
Points: 70
Christmas guests had mixed reviews of the new guest bed so I decided to try it myself for a while. Traded the bed in the master with the spa sensations bed. I have the intention of recording my sleep on a daily basis for a month or so.  Last night was the first night and it was very hard and slept warm at times. Shoulders were sore. 
Re: Spa Sensations Sleep Diary
Reply #27 Feb 3, 2015 11:51 AM
Joined: Nov 21, 2011
Points: 70
Night 30. No pains. Good nights sleep. 
Re: Spa Sensations Sleep Diary
Reply #28 Feb 10, 2015 11:48 AM
Joined: Nov 21, 2011
Points: 70
The test is over and the bed is just fine. It started out hard and I was close to sending it back to the guest room after a week.  Slowly it broke in or my body just got used to it. Now I have the same amount of sleep issues I had with the other bed. At this point I don't think it is worth it to switch beds with the one in the guest room.  So I am going to keep sleeping on it unless things change. 

I guess the big test will be how it feels when the house is 10 degrees warmer this summer. 

Re: Spa Sensations Sleep Diary
Reply #29 Aug 31, 2015 1:25 PM
Joined: Nov 21, 2011
Points: 70
Well, we kept sleeping on the bed and it has been fine.  In fact, shoulder pain has slowly decreased over time but I am not sure if it is the bed or my new stretching exercises.

I was concerned that the bed would sleep hot in the summer but all we had to do was remove one of our blankets and we are fine.  I was also concerned that since our bedroom is now 75 rather than 65 degrees we would sink into the bed further.  We might have but it did not affect our sleep.

All in all I am quite surprised with how well this inexpensive bed is doing for us.



This message was modified Sep 1, 2015 by a moderator

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