best waterproof mattress protector
May 19, 2012 10:21 AM
Joined: May 6, 2012
Points: 10
what are best waterproof mattress protectors that do not use plastic or some other similar material that is bothersome in a way to some people?

I mean a protector that keeps the feel of the mattress when you sleep on it.


Re: best waterproof mattress protector
Reply #1 May 25, 2012 8:05 PM
Joined: Feb 24, 2012
Points: 42
Everything changes the feel of the mattress in some way. You can purchase wool mattress protectors that are similar to wool blankets except they are waterproof. I purchased a wool mattress protector from Holy Lamb Organics and there are several other wool mattress protector suppliers. I found the higher tech waterproof mattress protectors to impart an odd "plasticy" feel through the sheets, others don't notice it.

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