Topper for a couple of side sleepers
May 30, 2008 3:46 PM
Joined: May 28, 2008
Points: 6
Looking for a mattress topper (prefer latex?) to go on a firm innerspring mattress (Durango, from Denver Mattress).

My wife and I are both side sleepers.  I have more trouble with pressure points (shoulder mostly, hip minor) than she does.   I don't want anything to mushy or "sinky", as I have always liked a firmer mattress.  I'm thinking a nice 1-1.5" latex topper sounds about right.

Where can I get a nice 1.5" latex topper, say in the 24-30ILD range?  Will something like this stay relatively cool?  I tend to get hot at night anyway and don't want to make that worse.

Great forum!
Re: Topper for a couple of side sleepers
Reply #1 May 31, 2008 12:43 AM
Joined: Sep 7, 2007
Points: 476
Most latex toppers usually come in whole inch increments-- 1", 2" etc. Unless you are a heavy person-- over 200 lbs, I wouldn't go more than 2". One inch might even be enough since you like a firm bed and just want some pressure relief. If you're uncertain about how thick you can go without overdoing it, you might want to get 1" to start and then add another if you need it. has Dunlop or Talalay toppers reasonably priced.

SleepEZ has 24ILD in a 1.5" thickness they offer as part of their Select Sleep 8500 mattress configuration. You'd have to call and speak to Shawn to see if you can get it solo. SleepEZ is pretty accommodating.

Latex sleeps cool as long as you aren't engulfed in it--which won't be a problem with 1-2" topper. Place it under your mattress pad to protect it from wear and tear--latex is fragile, and to keep it from UV radiation. This will also insulate you from the latex and keep you even cooler.

Re: Topper for a couple of side sleepers
Reply #2 May 31, 2008 5:36 AM
Joined: May 28, 2008
Points: 6
Great information, thanks.  I am over 200lbs, so is a 2" pad "better" in most cases than a 1" pad?
Re: Topper for a couple of side sleepers
Reply #3 Jun 1, 2008 2:01 AM
Joined: Sep 7, 2007
Points: 476
If you're over 200 go with the 2" You'd probably bottom out on the 1" and it wouldn't do you much good. 

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