I responded to someone who has an adjustable base and latex over that and asked where they got it, but more importantly which one? Didn't respond though. I went to Leggett & Platt's website, and there are many, many varieties of adjustable bases. My main concern is being quiet, I don't care about the massage part, I want it to go up and down as far as it can, but I want it quiet. Also I hate to go into a mattress showroom and ask about that only. I really feel like they would bug the heck out of me to buy one of those crummy S mattresses or T mattress. I am searching to buy on the internet, but I can see why I can't find any, they must weigh a ton? I saw Flobeds Faqs say if you order an adjustable bed you might want to keep that as the shipping was really high like $400 if I remember correctly. I couldn't tell what Flobeds adjustable base really was, it didn't look like a L&P base, but it was expensive. I also read somewhere here that Flobeds suggested buying it locally as it would be cheaper, so that is what I would do if I can find a dealer I can tolerate. I haven't enjoyed buying beds at all locally. Always a waste of money and the sales pitch is overwhelming. I just wish I could avoid that part. But if I am getting a new bed I want the adjustable base. I saw Costco's 5 adjustable beds, unfortunately you have to order their mattresses, and their latex mattresses on those has foam in them so those are out for me. I do want layers I can change out. |
Hi Leo, I just purchased a Leggett & Platt adjustable base and really like it. It provides a great firm foundation for our FloBed. We were also concerned with it being quiet which means you want to limit the choice to a DC motor only as the AC motors are supposed to be quite louder. This automatically narrows the choices to 3 models: the Prodigy, the S-Cape and the Optima. we went for the Prodigy for a few reasons. We got it cheaper than what is currently being sold on a couple of the latex dealer sites (I.E. SleepEZ sells the S-Cape and FloBeds sells their own model made for them by L&P which I believe is a combo that falls somewhere between the S-Cape & Optima. The Prodigy is brand new. Not sure exactly which so don't hold me to it there.) The second reason is that it has this "anti-snore" feature. Yes, it's true....it claims to help alleviate snoring by lifting the snorer about 17 degrees to help break the pattern of snoring but is not intended for heavy snorers. Thus, if your mate is snoring, you hit the remote which lifts their head and then goes puts them back down to a horizontal position after about 30 minutes . What they don't mention is that by hitting the remote to do this, there is a good chance that you will wake the snorer just by the motor sound and lifting motion and so...you break the snoring pattern anyhow this way!! LOL (At least that is what happens in my house! So, I guess it does work, one way or the other! LOL) Also, we just figured the higher the model is, the quieter it would be. Anyway, yes, they are very heavy and so they are very heavy to ship. It was Dave at FloBeds himself that recommended I buy it locally. Don't know where you live, I am in Southern California and bought mine at Electropedic Beds. They delivered it for free! Here is the link to their website. http://www.electropedicbeds.com They also make their own branded adj. bed but admitted that the L&P would be the quietest model out there. If you can buy from them, they are very easy to deal with as they are not your typical retail bed shop. They actually specialize in items for the physically injured and handicapped. (I.E. adj beds/wheelchairs/scooters/ramps, recliners, etc.) I went there and tried all the models and did like the L&P best... also was lucky enough to try a latex mattress by Latex International on the adjustable bed and although it wasn't what I wanted, it gave me a good idea of what it would feel like. (They do not have a return policy like FloBeds and the adjustable bed was not returnable. However, I will say that when the bed came in a very slightly damaged condition (threads loose on quilting), they replaced it immediately with no questions asked!). Finally, as far as massage, we didn't need it either but all the upper end models (translation: quieter models) automatically come with this feature. Hope this info helps. TJ |
Leo, Just wanted to reply to your first comment above...about requesting this info before. I apologize, I'm afraid I am the culprit and it was me that you asked the question of! I haven't been spending a lot of time on the forum lately as I have been very busy at work and apparently missed your question which I just noticed tonight as I was browsing through. If you still want to know what hip/shoulder pieces I have in place, I will check for you. I have been moving them around a bit but that's what I LOVE about the VZone...the fact that you can customize one part of your body but leave the others the way you prefer it perhaps! TJ |
No problem, it is hard to keep with this forum as busy as it is. I get overwhelmed sometimes reading it all, information overload. Yes, I would like to know more about the Vzone and what you ended up using and liking for the hip and shoulder. Also do you feel the velcro or the material underneath the latex ( I would knowing me). Thanks. ![]() |
TJ, Thanks for all the information. Yes, I went to that website you mentioned a year ago, and for some strange reason it was closed! It was suppose to be open it was a weekday during the day, I never went back, it was a long drive to get there too, I was put off by that ![]() I may try again, since they seem to be the only ones that have a selection. I went to Mattress Firm and they had "siliver" and "gold" models which really irritates me just like their mattresses, give me a name that L&P uses so I can compare! So I did get to see them run at least. The one was $1200 for the bottom model that has no extras at all, and I don't believe either model is a wallhugger, which I decided I need. Can I ask how much the Prodigy was? Electropedics website doesn't have prices. Also there are only 2 models (according to L&P) Prodigy and one other that you can use battery backup for. I don't want to be stuck in upright if power goes out, and when it goes out it goes out for hours or days. So you are lucky your model you can get the battery backup for $49 at Tigerdirect (L&P website again mentioned). I am pretty overwhelmed by all of this. Thanks for your information and help. |
I know a lot of people have a lot of issues with nerves and feeling things..but the velcro is in between the pieces (on the 3" high sides--velcro is attaching pieces side to side) and so, NONE of it even comes near your body...not to mention there is the convoluted 2" topper and organic wool/cotton mattress cover on top of that. So, no...no issues there at all. TJ P.S. Information overload is an understatement!! |
I was overwhelmed too and in a rush to buy something...I liked some prettier German slatted models that were sleek but was worried about customer service. Every bed place we talked to, was recommending L&P and had nothing but good things to say about their customer service so we dived in. We figured if we just got the top model, we would have less issues...besides that ..there is that crazy iPhone compatible option! LOL Just kidding...don't have an iPhone but it is amazing! Seriously, I don't think L&P changes the model names as all the mattress companies do, so go somewhere else if you have to. Their website has a search engine to find a dealer with the models you want near you...although it isn't completely accurate because they said there were no dealers for the Prodigy in LA County but then I found it at Electropedic anyway! So much for that! Overall, we love our FloBed (adjustments and all) and L&P foundation. Even our friends all come over and don't want to get out of our bed!
L&P adjustable foundations, can I assume they are really cheap and if not why get theirs instead of whatever... i cant find a price anywere, even the .com stores dont have them, more confusion, and it is monday morning ![]() |
The DC Whisper Quiet motor has a weight lifting capacity of up to 450 lb. on top of the mattress an it also has the “power down” box. This feature allows the bed to be reset to the flat or horizontal position should you lose electrical power or if the bed remote is not communicating properly with the adjustable base. I stand corrected. From the L&P website. However AC motor power does need the $49 power backup unit. This message was modified Mar 1, 2010 by Leo3
I own the Ergomotion 400 adjustable base. It is a wall hugger. I bought it locally for 1200.00 last Sept. At the time I was told it was made my Leggett & Platt and I was able to find it on the LP site. I can't find it on L&P site anymore, so I don't know if they are still affiliated or not. I do love it and it comes with a separate box that you put 9 volt batteries in to use in case of power outage. (I think it takes 6 batteries.) I keep this backup box in the closet. If needed the box with batteries plugs into the control box which is located under the bed. You use the battery backup box only for emergencies/ power outages. I emailed Ergomotion customer service once when I was confused about the massage timer on the remote, and they emailed me back within an hour... they had a very friendly tone. I've never had trouble with it, so I can't say anything else about customer service. Ergomotion 400 product info: <a href="http://www.ergomotion.us/products/400.html"target="_blank">link</a> US Beds online site with reviews: <a href="http://www.usbeds.com/Products/Ergomotion%20400%20Series%20Adjustable%20Bed%20Base%20With%20Wireless%20Control%20and%20Massage.aspx"target="_blank">link</a> Denver Mattress Co. online with reviews: <a href="http://www.denvermattress.com/details-60_1160_AB-ERWHMQ_0.htm"target="_blank">link</a> Overstock carries it, but I think it's a twin, 84 x 36? I wonder if they ever have it in other sizes?: <a href="http://www.overstock.com/Home-Garden/Ergomotion-400-Series-Adjustable-Bed/4661037/product.html?cid=123620&fp=F&ci_src=14110944&ci_sku=12584097"target="_blank">link</a> Just an alternative to L&P. Natalie This message was modified Mar 1, 2010 by Natalia
Leo, Thanks for the clarification on the power back-up. I feel better now to find out I haven't totally lost my mind! Still need to check on the battery thing though...would probably be a good idea before the next power outage, huh?! :) Natalie, so where were you when we had to buy our adjustable bed anyway?!! Randy, they are not that cheap, unfortunately....but Natalie's choice looks like a reasonably priced option, But I did find their beds on the internet...here is one site for instance...http://www.bedinabox.com/scape-adjustable-with-massage-p-258.html. TJ |
TJ, don't feel bad. At the time I bought mine, I hadn't done any research either.The Ergomotion 400 just happened to be the only adjustable base the store where I purchased the Englander mattress had. When I gave my son the Englander, I kept the base for my new mattress. I'm a generous mom, but not that generous. ![]() |
Thanks TJ12 and Natalie for that info and links. Natalie where did you get your Ergomotiont? $1200 included a mattress too though? Costco had some mattresses with the adjustable bases, but the mattresses all had foam over the latex, so that is a deal breaker for me. Too bad. Is there foam over the base? I really couldn't tell at the store because a bed was over it, LOL. How tall of legs did you use? 5" or 7" or more? I am thinking of ordering one through the internet, are they hard to put together? I know they are heavy, can my husband and I (weakling) bring this in the house and setup???? I am sooooo confused....... This message was modified Mar 3, 2010 by Leo3
Hi Leo, I got mine at a local Mancini's Sleepworld store (California). It was 1200.00 without any mattress. I think mine has the 7" legs, but it has locking casters on each leg, which make it approx. 9" from floor to bottom of the base. (I definitely recommend the casters!) It looks exactly like the one at Denver Mattress : link From the Ergomotion website link click on "Online Store". There you can see/ buy different height legs if needed. The whole adjustable base is "stand alone". This means you don't need a bed frame to use it, as the mattress sits directly on it. Think of it as a box spring with legs. All four sides have a very nice embossed foam padded cover, and the top center has a kind of non-skid material to keep your mattress from sliding. There is a metal bar at the foot of the bed that locks in place and keeps the mattress in place when you raise and lower the head and/ or feet. The base has to to be tall enough to clear your bed frame and its center brace(s). If it doesn't you can do one of two things. Remove the bed frame entirely, and buy the optional hardware available from Ergomotion to attach the adjustable base to your headboard, or simply take the center brace off your existing frame. Mine clears by about 1 inches. When they delivered ours, they just set it inside our frame that attaches to our head and foot board and it cleared just fine. It's about 1" taller than my bedframe. So I would suggest you measure the utmost height of your existing bed frame and purchase the Ergo legs that are tall enough to clear it. You might want to call Ergomotion to be sure I have stated this correctly. The delivery guys hooked it up. It was their first time and took them about 45 min, but I don't have a clue how they did it. I would ask whoever you buy from if they do the installation and what legs you should get, or call Ergomotion. Sorry, I don't know how much it weighs... I do know a queen size will hold 600Lbs total weight, mattress and people. It's pretty quiet and doesn't freak my kitties out at all. Though it was pretty funny the first time I turned the massage on when they were on the bed. ![]() Hope this helps some... maybe TJ can jump in and explain it better... I am so NOT mechanically inclined. ![]() Natalie This message was modified Mar 3, 2010 by Natalia
Thanks for that info Natalie. I don't have a bed frame, so no problem there. Thank goodness it is complicated enough. Did you happen to compare it to any other Leggett & Platts on the noise level? I have a pet that wouldn't like noise either, LOL, and I don't either. Is it made in USA, the website doesn't say. Aren't I a pain with the all the questions? I bought cars easier than this, LOL. Guess I will call and see how much these weigh, I would rather do this myself than have someone come in. Anytime I had beds delivered they came with grease and marked up the new bed. ![]() This message was modified Mar 4, 2010 by Leo3
Hi Leo, I've never heard or seen the Leggett and Platt in person but I think my Ergo is really quiet. Though I was told when I bought the Ergomotion it was made by L&P, I can't find anything now to substantiate that statement. I was in Macy's last month and the saleswomen there said L&P makes all the parts for almost all adjustable beds, (I recently found out they make linens and protectors too!), but I don't know about the ERGO. I don't trust any mattress salesman I've talked to except budgy. Their customer service number 1-888-550-ERGO. Email addy is info@ergomotion.us. Mailing address is Ergomotion, 55 Castilian Dr. Ste148, Santa Barbara, CA 93117. Here is the <a href="http://www.ergomotion.us/brochures.html"target="_blank">link</a> to the .pdf instruction manual and warranty information. Have a look at the manual and see if you can follow it as to set-up. I can't even use a screw driver correctly to it's all Greek to me. ![]() I haven't had any trouble with mine and love it, but I just looked at my owner's manual and it doesn't say where it's made. I was going to call for you, but you know I'm phone phobic... ![]() ![]() Hang in there my friend, Natalie |
Hi Natalie, Wish there was a smiley face for LMAO! I am a phone phobic too! But for different reasons, I just don't like phones, and really do emails mostly. I guess I do get nervous on the phone, and get tongue tied, but I just don't like the run around I get when I call mostly when I ask questions of some places. I emailed L&P two times now and said this is my second email asking if there are fire retardants in the base. The website says they meet the regulations for the fire laws. I wish the companies would tell me HOW they meeting the fire laws. What is in it? Poisons or nice safe fabric. I read somewhere they use rayon for fire retardants, I think it was Denver mattress (one of your links). I guess I am one of those people that are OCD, and analytical. I think most people here are, LOL. I don't want anymore wasted money or wrong decisions. Been there and done that too many times. Thanks for emailing Ergo. I just read a website I will provide the link for those interested. Click here. That says L&P makes other bases for other makers. SO they may well make the Ergo. Read #2 on the artlcle I linked and it says L&P makes parts for other companies. This good article tells me a Queen size base weights 170 and one person can't move it. So if my husband and I could carry Spongebob (pet name for Sealy Truform) and move it around I guess we can do this too. ![]() Funny I did download their catalog and book and warranty. I really read all before I make a choice, if I ever do. Thanks for the links though, I think I deleted those because I get too much stuff on my computer to even find it all again. ![]() This message was modified Mar 4, 2010 by Leo3
Budgy: Do you know anything about adjustable bases? Does Leggett & Platt make all adjustable bases? This message was modified Mar 5, 2010 by Leo3
Oh Budgy definitely knows about L&P beds, don't ya Budgy??!! ![]() Leo, these beds are very heavy and I would really consider trying to find a local delivery & set-up if possible. As far as flame retardant...there is very little fabric on them, just a panel around all four sides, the inside is made up of metal parts, motor, etc. What I heard was that the parts are made in China and the bed is assembled in the US. I find the bed to be very quiet and very strong and well made. This is why we chose to spend the money on L&G. Also, when I called customer service, I reached someone right away who was very helpful (or maybe she called me back, but she was helpful). I also heard that the Temperpedic used to use L&P but now have gone with a ped fully made in China, cheaper in quality. Did you ever call Electrosonic? They are very honest business people. As far as buying at a local store, if you pick out what you want by shopping on the internet and find out which stores carry it, just call them and get pricing ahead of time and go in and pay. Don't even let them start discussions with you if you don't want it. That's my advice. TJ
Thanks TJ, Oh Budgy where are you?? I guess a am a phone phobic too, LOL, ![]() Do you think if you tell them you can get a cheaper price online they will price match? Probably not huh? Yeah I found out those queen size wallhuggers weight 200 lbs. it would be heavy for me and hubby to move. Sigh. Thanks for your help. Good idea of telling them what you want and picking it up, it really isn't anything else I need to compare I know there are only 3 wallhugger models. Oasis doesn't seem to even be sold online, so that leaves the S-cape and the Prodigy. |
Actually, in their case, they are just a small family owned not very modern type business and yeah they have an awful website. But I was just happy to find them locally wih the new Prodigy bed that I could see first without buying so I jumped on it. But I found them to be reasonable with excellent customer service (how often can you say that?!), free local delivery & set-up, plus they took my entire old bed away for us for free as well, and as I said earlier, they quoted less than the other few companies selling latex. And they will negotiate. We did. As far as models, there wasn't much to go with for Wallhuggers. That's kind of why I just went with the Prodigy. Also, I forgot to say, I paid $2900 for an Eastern King...which is really two twins as there are separate motors, remotes, etc. so I think the price of kings jumps a lot. I have no idea what they would charge for a Queen but it could be way more reasonable. Call them. They're easy (maybe not the quickest on the phone but easy to deal with.) They stood behind their word, not many retailers do these days. |
Ergomotion just answered my email. They are made in Shanghia. Best to all, Natalie |