Advice on next step for DIY Latex Mattress setup
Feb 12, 2012 5:51 AM
Joined: Jan 18, 2012
Points: 14


Here is my background:  Iam 150 lbs and primary side sleeper.  Have 2 + 3 inches of Dunlop med/firm (28-30 ILD) latex toppers from Sleepwarehouse. 


I had been sleeping on the 5 inches total latex on a older mattress with boxsprings for the past week and was working nicely.  Than I received my slatted bed and slept last night with the 5 inches of latex.  I woke up with a sore lower back.  This was a first since sleeping with the slatted bed setup. 

I had planned to added 2-3 more inches of 24 or 28 ILD Talalaya from SLB (have 10% coupon) for a top layer.  Now Iam having second thoughts.

Should I purchase a 2 inch firmer 36 or 40 layer and put in the middle or bottom or do you think it just needs more layers and stick with a 28 ILD top layer?

I feel that it is not bottoming out, however noticed more sinking in the hip area.


This message was modified Feb 12, 2012 by johnnydm
Re: Advice on next step for DIY Latex Mattress setup
Reply #1 Feb 12, 2012 11:24 AM
Joined: Aug 5, 2010
Points: 227
If you are sinking in the hips, it would seem like it is too soft there. I'm going to suggest that you actually put a 2 inch 32 ILD talalay latex on top to give it a layer of support.  I did that for a 28ILD 6 inch talalay layer that was too soft for our guest mattress and my wife slept on it and loves it. As a side sleeper it may make it a little too firm for your shoulders but maybe you aren't as sensitive as I am. But it will help the back.  My weight is the same as yours but I've gone to zoning for my shoulders. That is an alternative. 
Re: Advice on next step for DIY Latex Mattress setup
Reply #2 Feb 12, 2012 1:11 PM
Joined: Jan 18, 2012
Points: 14
Thanks Sall...great suggestion.  I may do that. 

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