Airloom Latex vs. Tempurpedic - Help!
Jan 18, 2011 7:57 PM
Joined: Jan 19, 2011
Points: 1
Does anyone have experience with Airloom Luxury Latex vs. Tempurpedic mattresses?  We bought a Tempurpedic before Christmas and are in the midst of the 90 day window.  So far, my wife loves it, but I'm 215lbs, very athletic and it's bothering my back and sleeps very hot at night.  I'm thinking of sending it back and the salesman at Sit and Sleep recommended an Airloom Latex.  It looks and feels great in the store, but I've read some rather alarming reviews of their spring mattresses on line and really don't want to get the shaft for $4500.  Anyone with experience?
Re: Airloom Latex vs. Tempurpedic - Help!
Reply #1 Feb 19, 2011 10:24 AM
Joined: Feb 19, 2011
Points: 1
I purchased my "Aireloom Luxury Latex Jacaranda" king size bed at Sit 'n Sleep in December 2010 for $4,000.  It has no springs, just a very dense "Dunlap" and "Talalay" latex core.  The "Jacaranda" is a firm mattress with its very comfortable "Talalay" layer at the top.  In the first couple of months I can say that this is an incredibly comfortable bed; the best I've ever slept on and I believe it's superior to any bed with a traditional spring mattress.  I also prefer my natural latex mattress to the "Temper-pedic" which is a petroleum based product that lacks the bouncy response of natural latex.  The "Temper-pedic" mattress is hard when it is cold and it responds to body heat slowly.  Only time will tell how long my "Aireloom" latex mattress will continue to provide this level of support and comfort, but from what I've researched it should last a very long time.  The Aireloom warranty is 20 years (the first 10 full, the second 10 prorated).  If you go with an Aireloom Luxury Latex bed (an all natural latex mattress without springs) you'll probably agree that it's the finest bed you've ever slept on.   
This message was modified Feb 19, 2011 by markmarc
Re: Airloom Latex vs. Tempurpedic - Help!
Reply #2 May 20, 2011 6:56 AM
Joined: Sep 11, 2007
Points: 116
Tell your salesman to extend the trial period if you can put an adjustable base under your tempurpedic.  If he won't, tell him your probably gonna just get your money back and go somewhere else and start over.  The only way I can get lower back relief is with an adjustable base.  Hopefully they are qualified enough to give you a proper demonstration of what it can do for you.  $4500 is a lot of money for a flat bed.  I went from latex to tempurpedic.  In my experience, the tempur. worked way better than the latex on an adjustable base.  Some people get their best sleep in a recliner for a reason.  I'm just sayin.  Also, as far as heat goes, I noticed no difference between latex and tempur.  I control heat issues with more or less blankets.
Re: Airloom Latex vs. Tempurpedic - Help!
Reply #3 May 20, 2011 7:37 PM
Joined: Apr 15, 2011
Points: 163
There are some reviews of the Aireloom posted on this site (check teh reviews tab) that you probably would want to check out.....


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