Amazing how sleep affects us....
Jul 22, 2009 8:37 AM
Joined: Jul 21, 2008
Points: 6
I had the same mattress for 13 years before I decided to kill it.  In the past 2 years I've bought 3 mattresses, none of which worked well for me.  Won't bore you with all the details but I was turning into the Princess and the Pea.  Couldn't of course afford another one, when the last one was uncomfortable as well.

I fiddled around with all the toppers I had bought when the first two didn't work, found a old down alternative pillow topper I had bought for the first bad mattress and put it on. Was less painful but still bad.

Finally put a old cheap regular foam topper I had (not memory foam) under the pillow topper, and I've slept great the last two nights.

Just had to share my own weird experiences because I've felt better and more energized last two nights than I have in two years!  Will still eventually have to buy a new mattress but it's so weird how different you feel after you've actually SLEPT! I thought I was sleeping but didn't know how wrong I was!

Sorry for the intrusion, just to say I feel your pain on mattress issues.

Re: Amazing how sleep affects us....
Reply #1 Jul 22, 2009 9:10 AM
Joined: Aug 30, 2007
Points: 464
devil_youknow wrote:
Won't bore you with all the details

Much appreciated . . way too many "pity party" postings!
Re: Amazing how sleep affects us....
Reply #2 Jul 23, 2009 1:47 PM
Location: Yosemite area
Joined: Sep 10, 2008
Points: 249
I think there are MILLIONS of us, we just haven't organized yet(LOL!).  Your story is the same as others, believe me you are not alone.  The first step to finding your perfect mattress is by finding out what works for you, however you have to do that.  The real hard part is knowing that what you really want is likely not widely available and not easy to find.  What is out there is overstuffed(the more you pay the more stuffing you'll get) fufu mattresses filled with cheap foams and fancy names.  Sometimes they feel really good in the stores, but they aren't going to feel good for long once you get them home.  I think there is probably more buyer's remorse in beds than in cars!  At least those you can test drive for awhile. 
Good luck, there is plenty of information here.

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