Another Positive SleepEZ Review
Aug 23, 2009 3:30 PM
Joined: Jun 6, 2009
Points: 5

After much consideration and over a year of testing different mattresses we went with the SleepEZ 1300 blended tallay King, with the organic cotton a wool cover. The firmness is extra firm, firm, medium, and soft.

We have slept on the mattress for over a month, and I recommend you wait at least two weeks before evaluating a new mattress. Initially I had upper back pain, but that went away and the general back pain from the previous mattress was gone. My GF noted that her back felt much better, and she was sleeping with less disruption.

The quality of the organic cotton and wool mattress cover is far superior to traditional mattresses. Although, the zipper is not as heavy as it should be, and I caution users to carefully close the cover by relieving the tension on the zipper as you proceed. I specifically asked for LI blended latex, and many of the layers had LI labels confirming the make and ILD. I also asked that they take care in matching the firmness of each layer for each side, and join the top layer. After careful inspection of each layer it appeared that my instructions were followed.

The best advice I can give, try a mattress before you buy it, reading reviews or websites is not going to help.

I decided on the 100% latex mattress after I tried the SleepEZ demos. The primary reason I went with SleepEZ is because they are local. The purchase process was smooth, and I picked up the packed mattress components.

Ultimately I could have purchased a mattress for a grand less with similar comfort, but my biggest concern was the method used to complying with fire prevention standards. Search the internet and you will see the potential danger with methods used by major manufactures. SleepEZ and Flowbeds use wool and nothing more.

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