The Answer
Mar 21, 2008 5:43 PM
Joined: Sep 6, 2007
Points: 142
Hi everybody,

It's funny how the more things change the more they stay the same.  In the end, I found the perfect bed for myself.

Surprise surprise, though:  It's the same combination I've been using for the past four years.   And I know Sleep Number beds have gotte alot of very negative press here, but at this point I honestly can't say anything bad about it.

I bought the Select Comfort 5000 with the built in topper in May '04.  My main problems were that I couldn't get comfortable because we were having terrible problems with the electric in our area, and we had brownouts and blackouts on a regular basis.  So the pump burned out several times (despite the surge protectors) and the bed felt like the pump wasn't inflating it properly.  Then Keyspan fixed the problem by getting rid of the parrots that were nesting all over the electrical transformers.   The birds were causing a problem.  And when your electric is constantly going and you have a bed that relies on the electric working...well, you get the idea.

I still sleep on the Sleep Number bed.  However, because I have very severe scoliosis and a very prominent rib hump, I put three toppers on top of the mattress.  I'm using a MF topper on the bottom layer, a natural Latex topper on top of that with a cotton cover for the middle layer, and the top layer is still the same 5 zoned topper I've been using for two years.  I go to sleep very quickly and stay asleep for 7 hours and honestly I do not wake up with pain.   And if I do wake up, I have no trouble falling back asleep either.

I've joined a scoliosis forum and most of the people on there feel the same way I do, and many of the posters use either the sleep number bed or the Tempurpedic.  I like the convenience and utility of being able to adjust the comfort level by adding or releasing air from the mattress is a tremendous plus.  Some nights when my back is out I need the mattress very soft and I keep it at 20 or 25, other nights I have to go up as high as 50.  But my usual number is 30 - 35.  I love the ability to change the mattress as I see fit, depending how I feel and you just can't do that with a spring mattress.

In the end, I have no complaints anymore.   I never had a problem falling or staying alseep, only the electrical problem which was outing the pumps and causing aggravation on that end.  So the bed never felt level while the pump was not working.  It either sank in the middle or on the bottom.  But not anymore.

Now that that problem has been resolved, I'm feeling the bed the way it's supposed to feel.  But still, I do need my toppers to make the experience perfect.

I'm sleeping very well, thank you!   I've decided if I ever need another bed years down the line, I'm sticking with air...

Thanks for all the advice over the years, but I think my searching is over and my problem is finally resolved.

Best regards,


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