Any pillow recommendations?
Jan 25, 2010 7:22 PM
Joined: Jan 16, 2010
Points: 45
I tried some random memory foam pillow from target, and while it was good the first few weeks, it lost its shape very quickly and I started having neck and shoulder pain.

I like my pillows to be pretty high, other wise I get neck pain, but most pillows lose their shape pretty soon. Also, I'm a side sleeper. Any recommendations would be appreciated.
Re: Any pillow recommendations?
Reply #11 Jan 30, 2010 9:46 AM
Joined: Dec 17, 2009
Points: 850

check out their section called 'Quality Defined'

incredibly informative about many things, textiles, down, and even proper down pillow design. Their products are expensive but are considered to be among the best in the world. 
Re: Any pillow recommendations?
Reply #12 Jan 31, 2010 4:40 AM
Location: Frisco, Texas
Joined: Jan 29, 2010
Points: 4
Try this pillow out from Rejuvenite.
Re: Any pillow recommendations?
Reply #13 Jan 31, 2010 7:21 AM
Location: Oregon
Joined: Oct 25, 2008
Points: 130
If you want a firmer shredded latex pillow at a great price, look at  I bought one of these but it was a little too firm for me.  Good product though and really great prices - I think it was $25. shipped from Georgia to Oregon.

I have gone round and round on pillows.  Being a stomach sleeper, I don't like something too firm as it cocks my head up.  For years, I used a very old feather/down pillow that I could make a good indenation in and really didn't like anything else.  Now with my super FoambyMail mattress, I use two standard down pillows that I bought from TJ Maxx for about $15 each; one for my head and one to hug.  Its amazing all of the junk that is out there in department stores that are called 'pillows'.  I wouldn't let Bandit (my dog) sleep on most them.

Re: Any pillow recommendations?
Reply #14 Jan 31, 2010 12:10 PM
Joined: Apr 14, 2009
Points: 8
I recommend the Mediflow Waterbase Pillow, which you can get from Amazon for $35.  I've used it for several years and it really helps with neck pain.  Takes some finagling at first to get the right amount of water in it, but once you've figured this out, it provides excellent support without pain.  Have your partner look at your neck and upper spinal column to make sure that they form a straight line.
Re: Any pillow recommendations?
Reply #15 Jan 31, 2010 12:52 PM
Joined: Dec 13, 2009
Points: 26
WOW..thats pretty interesting.  Now I can have a water pillow to go with my waterbed!

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