Any Venus foam users out there?
May 29, 2009 8:57 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
I bought some from Great price!
As to how it feels, I don't know yet because I've had it sitting out for 30 hours now, and it still stinks to high heaven! The only thing I remember ever smelling this much was a Tempurpedic pillow I bought years ago at Brookstone.

It is light blue in color. I bought a king -size 1" thick and plan to cut it into 2 twin size pieces.

I was just wondering if others have found it to smell so much more than other foams?

I bought some Sensus a few weeks ago at overstock and it did not smell so strong and was fine for use after about 24 hours.

Also, I thought it would feel much stiffer. To touch it, to me, it feels about like the Sensus. Maybe a little denser but I wonder if it's really going to feel enough different to make it worth paying about twice as much for it...

I'll let you know how it feels to me, if I can ever get the smell out of it. (We've had it sitting by an open sliding screen door with fans pointed at it for about the whole 30 hours.)

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