Any way to determine latex firmness from hole pattern? Might have wrong order...
Aug 19, 2014 11:47 AM
Joined: Mar 1, 2009
Points: 5
After using a latex-foam mattress (6" firm, 36ILD) from Foam By Mail for years and loving it, I had to purchase a new one as part of a move. Unfortunately, it's been killing my back. I'm tryng to determine whether I received the right ILD or if I might have gotten an incorrect order with a core that's too soft (and would explain all the lower-back pain).

In trying to fix the problem, I also picked up two separate 1" toppers, which were supposed to both be medium firm (though it looks like from the order one says it's 29ILD and the other 32ILD). The hole patterns make me wonder if the orders were incorrect.

If anyone knows how to tell the firmness of latex, I'd be very appreciative.

Here are the details:

*6" firm mattress 36ILD. The holes are 1 1/4" apart (have photo, but don't know how to attach).

*1" medium topper 29ILD. The holes are also 1 1/4" apart.

*1" medium topper 32ILD. The holes are 7/8" apart.


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