Anybody still buying Dunlop?
May 18, 2008 12:21 PM
Joined: May 18, 2008
Points: 14
OK, I'm calling on all you experts!  Like most people considering the big switch to a latex mattress I've done tons of reading and research but still am not sure what we need.  After reading through this forum (twice) I almost feel like maybe I'd like Dunlop better than Talalay, but I don't see a whole lot of discussion about Dunlop.  I like a very firm mattress with very little "give".  But, as a side sleeper I know I need some amount of softness on top.  I hate conventional pillowtops.  My weight is around 140 and my husbands around 240.  I have back issues - low back pain, degenerative disk problems, lots of trigger points, yada, yada.....  I have seen a couple of people say there's a big difference in the feel of Dunlop and they prefer it.  So, is anybody still buying Dunlop or should I assume most of these posts are all Talalay.  And does Dunlop only come in all natural or is there some blended?  Tnanks for any help you can give me!
Re: Anybody still buying Dunlop?
Reply #29 Jul 11, 2008 12:24 AM
Joined: Sep 10, 2007
Points: 690
Not spelled like that. :)

davidfield375 wrote:
I thought Dunlop made tyres? Well I suppose you learn something new every day. 
Re: Anybody still buying Dunlop?
Reply #30 Aug 14, 2008 6:56 AM
Joined: Aug 14, 2008
Points: 1
I might as well use this thread for a question about dunlop.

I'm considering buying a set from Sleep-EZ, it will be a 8.5" soft-medium-firm dunlop latex mattress. Will this be softer or firmer than your average run-of-the-mill mattress? I have no real preference for soft or firm--I'm just trying to aim for 'normal,' 'average' firmness.

Thanks for any tips.
Re: Anybody still buying Dunlop?
Reply #31 Aug 15, 2008 1:55 AM
Joined: Sep 7, 2007
Points: 476
Dunlop is denser than Talalay and feels firmer and more supportive at lower ILDs. SleepEZ mattresses tend to run on the firmer side of the range. In other words their medium is more like a medium firm etc. Since you don't seem to have a preference go with the standard configuration or run your concerns by Shawn.

That being said, latex isn't really comparable to a "standard run of the mill mattress." It has it's own unique character. Hope you enjoy your new mattress. I slept on Dunlop for many years and much prefer it to Talalay.

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