Anyone add the Flobeds convoluted topper to their non-Flobeds latex?
May 18, 2010 9:09 AM
Joined: Mar 11, 2010
Points: 56
I have the Costco Sleep Science latex bed and it's too firm. The Cuddlebed softened it a bit, but not enough. A 3" memory foam is too much. I have emailed Flobeds and they said I can buy just the convoluted topper, and if I decide in the end to order a Flobed, they will take the price off of the bed purchase.

So, my question is, has anyone purchased the convoluted topper from Flobeds to soften up their existing latex? Did it help? I know I can purchase 2" from other places, but I have decided that if this doesn't work I will end up with a Flobeds, so I'd rather get their topper.


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