Anyone familiar with Simmons beautyrest NXG
Nov 1, 2008 8:10 AM
Joined: Nov 1, 2008
Points: 1

I am debating between the Simmons BeutyRest Black (Rosalyn) and their NXG series,  but can't seem to find any reviews on the NXG.  Can anyone help?


Re: Anyone familiar with Simmons beautyrest NXG
Reply #1 Nov 1, 2008 8:40 AM
Joined: Aug 30, 2007
Points: 464
goodnightsleep wrote:
Can anyone help?

Not really . . only YOU can determine which configuration of mattress components satisfies your personal comfort preferences.

For others curious . . NxG Series link.

Re: Anyone familiar with Simmons beautyrest NXG
Reply #2 Nov 1, 2008 10:46 AM
Location: Yosemite area
Joined: Sep 10, 2008
Points: 249
I looked at the information for both...they don't look very different from each other except the Black doesn't tell you what is in the pillowtop.  I personally HATE pocketed giving our relatively new mattress with pocketed coils to our daughter...kills my low back.  I've cut it open and put every type of foam in it...still hurts me.  Top pocketed coils with soft memory foam and you have nothing but soft and no support whatsoever.  Must work for some people but not for me.
Both the pocketed coils and memory foam allow the body to push down, they conform, but there is no opposing push back up from either so you just sink.  These are not supportive.  I would think that women in particular would have issues with this combo.

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