Anyone know any DIY retailers of latex similar to FBM ?
Sep 8, 2011 9:55 PM
Joined: Sep 8, 2011
Points: 2
I have been researching getting a new mattress for hours every night for over 2 months now.  I came upon this site and it helped open new door of what was possible. I never knew about latex mattresses or that one could make their own mattress to their own desires! Imagine that!  I have been thinking of using, FBM. I was wondering, before I commit, If there are any other similar sites that have the similar options or even more options for latex. I have saw many sellers on e-bay, but I am leery of that for some reason. The only 2 sites  I can Find are: FBM and



                                                                                     ********Just to tell a bit about my sleep situation & prefrences: ********

  I am a female, 29 years old, 5'6 and 180lbs. I am a side sleeper 80% & back 20%. I have some issues with my back (saciriliac joint) and like good support, but dont want to sleep on  rock either.            I will be sleeping alone in bed for most part, except when my 2 1/2 yr old decides to "snuggle".

 I have always chose a sofa over a bed & have mostly slept on sofa since I was 16.  I now understand sleepin on a sofa at almost 30 is not the same as sleepin on one at 16. Any other mattress I have slept on has always been the coil/spring type.   I have a king size bed that was a hand-me down from my mom from her guest room that sleeps terrible.  So I ordered a new bed from ashley furniture & am waiting on it to be shipped.  I need to order mattress soon, but didnt want mattress to arrive before bed.

I prefer latex for most of my mattress, as it has give & support, plus it last a long time. I dont mind a small portion (top) being memory foam or base being a high quality PU foam.  I rather  have the DIY type mattress because each layer is easily replaceable & I am able to move them around to see what works best for me.  I do not want springs.  For my foundation I am using a boxspring with a 3/4 + sheet of plywood wrapped in fabric on top of it, between that and the mattress.  Should that be ok?

I have a few combinations of mattress ideas I  keep toying with , but I would like the DIY experts to chime in and help me decide!!!

From bottom/base layer up to top/comfort layer:

                                           Foam by mail:

#1)  3" Lux foam,   3" firm latex,  2" medium latex and 2' 4lb memory foam

#2)  2" lux foam  2" firm Latex, 2" medium latex,  and   2" soft latex

#3) 5 inches Lux foam,  4 inches medium latex and 2" soft latex

#4) 2" firm latex, 2" med/firm latex, 2" soft latex and 2" 3lb memory foam

                                 Mix of FBM &

#5) 3" Lux foam ( FBM), 3" Firm Latex (FBM), 3" "zoned" topper latex in Med/soft (

#6)   3" Firm Latex (FBM), 3" "zoned" topper latex in Med/soft (, 2" medium Mem foam (FBM)


Which one would be best?  I have looked at so many options I think I've made myself confused!  Is there something I am missing?


Thanks so much for reading!  I know if anyone can answer my questions it isyou guys (and ladies) in this forum!!!

Thanks again!


This message was modified Sep 8, 2011 by suziesnow

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