Anyone try Chillipad or Cool-or-Heat Sleep Pad?
Oct 1, 2010 4:54 AM
Joined: Sep 30, 2010
Points: 81
These are over $200 but I'm beginning to think it might be worth trying. I've read quite a few posts in these forums and people try all sorts of pads, toppers, etc to alleviate sleeping hot. I've done the same and spent a bundle.  But it's not working because all the materials these toppers are made of, still retain heat.  I am sick to death of waking up every few hours roasting in my bed!

These cooling pads have tubes inside a mattress pad and a motor that runs water thru the tubes and cools it. Pretty intuitive really. I just wonder how much one can feel the tubes...or if it would work under a mattress pad or topper rather than just under a sheet.

Anyone try these cooling pads?

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