Back pain after new mattress
Dec 17, 2009 5:11 PM
Joined: Dec 17, 2009
Points: 1
I had an old mattress for about 10 years, it was a firm mattress that now looks like a very soft mattress... So I decided to replace the mattress and bought a new Laura Ashley Firm Mattress.

I've been sleeping on it with no problem, but my wife on the first night had complained of back pain... now we have the mattress for about 10 days and she still felling back pain...

Is that related to the mattress? Should I return the mattress? Monday she is going to see a doctor, but it strange that replacing the mattress would give you back pain...

Thanks for the help

This message was modified Dec 17, 2009 by Ennio
Re: Back pain after new mattress
Reply #1 Dec 18, 2009 9:34 AM
Joined: Aug 17, 2009
Points: 542
Ennio: You are doing the right thing to have your wife's back checked out. Possible she has tweeked her back doing something around the house.
Re: Back pain after new mattress
Reply #2 Dec 19, 2009 10:45 AM
Joined: Dec 4, 2009
Points: 7
My back pain went away after getting a latex bed, so it could work in reverse.   A lot of people return a bed because it causes pain.  I just attributed it to getting older, so it was a nice surprise to wake up the first morning with no back pain or stiffness.  Hopefully the doc wont find anything wrong and you can get a mattress to help her.  A split mattress might be a good thing for you and her, since each side can be set up for different firmnesses.  Good luck!
Re: Back pain after new mattress
Reply #3 Dec 22, 2009 7:02 AM
Joined: Oct 8, 2009
Points: 192
grdnfvr wrote:
My back pain went away after getting a latex bed, so it could work in reverse.   A lot of people return a bed because it causes pain.  I just attributed it to getting older, so it was a nice surprise to wake up the first morning with no back pain or stiffness.  Hopefully the doc wont find anything wrong and you can get a mattress to help her.  A split mattress might be a good thing for you and her, since each side can be set up for different firmnesses.  Good luck!

which bed did you get?

where is your pain, lower or upper?

Re: Back pain after new mattress
Reply #4 Dec 23, 2009 10:06 AM
Location: Yosemite area
Joined: Sep 10, 2008
Points: 249
Beds are so very much a cause of back pain that we don't give them credit for!!!!  If you don't have the correct support for your body type, size, weight, shape and sleep style, you can have huge problems!!!    My husband is built like a torpedo...he has no curves, is relatively solid, and doesn't seem to have mattress issues like I do.  I am 125#, 5'6", with hips and wide shoulders and really have had issues. 
I have found that side and back sleepers often  need more support through the hips than through the shoulders, because concentrated weight drops more than the rest of the body.  I think a mattress that is softer through the shoulders could be a good thing...if you are a side sleeper and have shoulders that stick out wider than your trunk.  Pillows make a bed work or not...sometimes I have to switch pillows every month or so....boy do I have a collection! 
Generally, low back pain is caused by too much drop through the hips...if the mattress has too much soft foam in it before the body finds support(springs), this has happened to me.  If the pain is between the shoulder blades, it is possibly because the top of the mattress is too firm.  If your neck is stiff, try another pillow.  I switch between shaped memory foam, polyfill stuffed and down, myself. 
Pay attention to her issues, they won't get better if they are caused by the bed.  I actually cut open our new bed one night because I was in so much pain...but my husband didn't have a problem with the bed at all! 
Good luck,
Re: Back pain after new mattress
Reply #5 Dec 23, 2009 11:34 AM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
Ennio wrote:
I had an old mattress for about 10 years, it was a firm mattress that now looks like a very soft mattress... So I decided to replace the mattress and bought a new Laura Ashley Firm Mattress.

I've been sleeping on it with no problem, but my wife on the first night had complained of back pain... now we have the mattress for about 10 days and she still felling back pain...

Is that related to the mattress? Should I return the mattress? Monday she is going to see a doctor, but it strange that replacing the mattress would give you back pain...

Thanks for the help

Replacing an old mattress with a new one CAN cause back pain even IF the new mattress is fine. My friend did just that, and his back hurt, and after a week or two his body adjusted to it and now he loves it.

However, that said, also there are many times when the mattress - even a new one - DOES cause back pain because often they just have too much lousy foam inside. Yes, even a firm one can have too much non-supportive foam on top of the springs.

See if she likes it better after a few weeks, but if not, replace it with an ultra firm (almost NO foam in it) type mattress, then add your own latex on top for softness and if that still doesn't work, do mattress surgery (do a search on this forum for info).

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