Beautyrest or alternatives, spinal fusion disc issues
Feb 21, 2014 8:34 PM
Joined: Feb 22, 2014
Points: 2
Hi there,
I had a spinal fusion, top to bottom done in my early teens, now late 20s. I've been having disc degeneration issues in the lumbar area, and suggested to get a firm mattress.
I've been going to mattress stores for about a month now. First with the salesperson we settled on a firm memoryfoam, Sealy Soleil. After consulting a few mattress sites, some say that memory foam is not ideal for the problems i'm having. I realize this after that memory foam is hard for me to move and get up on.... Since then I've changed my order twice, haven't taken delivery yet.
I believe I've narrowed it to two models, budget allowing too....
Both double:
Beautyrest Recharge Elite Essence tight top
13.75 coilgauge
704 coils
1" surface tech foam (silk wood blend fibre)
1/2" posturized geltouch foam
1/2" firm foam.
This one I find i'm supported the most, but I do notice my shoulders have some pain.... and might have tingling in the arm. I must say that I'm coming from a soft foam used in cushions.. not really any support...
Beautyrest Recharge Elite Wilshire with pillowtop
13.75 coilgauge
704 coils
two layers of 1" surface tech foam (silk wood blend fibre)
1/2" posturized geltouch foam
1/2" firm foam.
The shoulders seemed better, but still had some getting used to it. I do find that I'm sinking more in, I'm guessing due to the extra layers. After lying down on each for about 10 minutes+... spending about 2 hours in the store..
After reading online, I understand that pillowtops might breakdown quicker... but the salesperson said they last longer than toppers.
Looking online, people also say if a mattress is too firm to add a 2" latex topper. I went to another store in the area and tried out a similar bed with their ZedBed Latex/mem foam R2 2" topper, felt good..... I managed to try out latex beds with mem foam on top and wasn't keen on it....
The 2" all latex one from ZedBed is $479 + tx...
Price difference between the Tighttop and Pillowtop is about $200.
I'm debating whether to go for the Tight top.. due to reading and some sensitivity I had to sagging.... Which would any of you think be the better outcome? I think the firmer one and If I need to soften it there are options....
I currently have a featherbed topper that I hardly fluff due to effort..... so looking for something easier...
I've been struggling for a month to find a mattress to get as the current one doesn't support much anymore. I've been visiting the mattresse stores about 2x a week, and spending an hour + at times. I've been trying to keep the idea that the spine needs to be straight when lying on my side... and on my back, I'm trying to find something that supports it well... without feeling sagging.... cause some of these mattresses like the Soleil, and Kingsdown, I felt some sag already... and something that might just get worse over time... I understand that the mattress needs to conform to me too, but maybe I'm getting thrown off in that area. The sales person did mention that it will take about a month to get used to a mattress.
Other beds that were suggested was the Kingsdown Rockwell, with 14.5 gauge, 768 coils, from Kingsdown they say its twice tempered the coils. 9" coils, 19% more coils in the center... Kingsdown rep said that they have the lowest defect rate.... Layering is about 3", gel 22 ounces, 1/2" foam gel (unknown densities, did not inquire, more focused on the coils). This one seemed good, but I did feel like the hip area was not supported enough. I'm comparing this more to when I injure myself then I need to go on a carpeted floor to relieve the pain. This is another reason why I might be aiming for something with lots of support instead of full comfort... Cause if I start hammocking a year down the road it won't be good, and as CentralPA mentioned... have to be careful..
I've read some user reviews online about the Kingsdown sagging after a month, padding, some other experts find that Kingsdown is limited distribution and not to be considered...   etc...  another orthopedic model they have has a coil gauge of 15, but more coils...
These both Kingsdown have foam separator in the middle that stops a few inches before the top.... and I'm single, told by rep and salesperson they never had a issue about it...
Memory foam, foam cores, is one I couldn't find enough support for.
Store #2 I went to... has a brand called Mat Tech, from the salesperson said they supply the hospitals... their coils are compressed by a few inches.... here also learned that a 13 range gauge coil is something to look for in a pocket coil.
When I tried out the Essence Simmons, I found myself going back to the Kingsdown ROckwell quilting, presentation of the mattress looks very nice i have to admit.. and , I will also admit I did not feel pressure like I did with the Essence. The Wilshire feels better, as the pressure points are more relieved... another thing if I find myself hammocking a year down the road I will be very displeased with my choice. and their warranty is 1.5"
The initial idea I had, was finding a mattress with firm enough support to make me feel like I'm on the carpeted floor, for the disc issues... but also something I could potentially add layers, if needed be, and when I have a bit more cash for it.
I really don't know what else to do at this point...
Thank you for any help

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