Beckley Med Firm?
Nov 2, 2007 10:51 AM
Joined: Nov 2, 2007
Points: 2
I/We are searching for a new bed. I have read many many post trying to educate myself on whats out there. It did not take long to realize that we need a Hastens bed. This would end all searching- the HOLY GRAIL. But.....I contacted the bank, their bank, the neighbors, their friends, and went digging for lost treasure so we could afford one? Well we can't so......what do we do? We are looking for a coil mattress that compares for less $$$? Is that possible? I have not seen anyone say they have? I have seen posters describe a Beckley w/ a Hastens topper? Looks like all posters say the bed is to firm? So... What about a Beckley MED FIRM? Can anyone shed light on this? Is this the poors mans Holy Grail?


Re: Beckley Med Firm?
Reply #1 Nov 2, 2007 11:30 AM
Joined: Aug 30, 2007
Points: 361
I think this does come close to a poor man's holy grail!  We are liking ours very much after one year.  It is very firm, I never did see a medium firm but others who have describe it as still firm.  This is very much a bed that needs a dedicated topper of some sort depending on what you what your comfort level to be.  We have finally found success with the Beckley bed, a two inch 4Lb density piece of memory foam, the Hastens topper (keeps that horsehair feeling going) and a Hasten'scotton mattress pad to protect it.  This seems to work for us.  It is still quite firm, but supportive and feels great.  We were recently on vacation and really were happy to get back to our Beckley. 

Other toppers could be all memory foam, some latex, whatever suits you - but the bed itself by Beckley is firm and built like a tank. 

Good luck in your search.

Re: Beckley Med Firm?
Reply #2 Nov 5, 2007 3:07 AM
Joined: Nov 2, 2007
Points: 2
Thanks BedBug. I believe I read you have the firm bed? I really hope someone chimes in that has a MEDFIRM. It would help if we could find one locally here in Fl but don't see that happening? Oh..... the challenges.
Re: Beckley Med Firm?
Reply #3 Nov 23, 2007 9:41 AM
Joined: Aug 30, 2007
Points: 191
How is your search for the medium-firm Beckley bed going?


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