Best foundation for latex?
Mar 10, 2009 11:13 AM
Joined: Mar 1, 2009
Points: 5
Anyone have any thoughts on the sturdiest, most cost-effective foundation for a latex mattress? I was eye-balling one of the frame/boxspring combo things like the Smart Base steel frame ( Didn't know if anyone might have experience with it or something similar.

Re: Best foundation for latex?
Reply #13 Mar 27, 2009 5:52 AM
Joined: Mar 18, 2009
Points: 10
Man, I just don't know what to do! Below is the thread of e-mails from the manufacturer of the mattress:


From: stuman74
Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2009 8:27 PM
Subject: Help please


I recently ordered one of your Sleep Science ARA King-sized mattresses from Costco that should be delivered next week. However, it looks like I ordered just the mattress, not the mattress and foundation set. I live near Chicago and was wondering where I can buy an appropriate foundation for this bed? Or one that you recommend.

Here is the exact mattress I ordered:*1924*78455*67414*&whse=BC&topnav=&Browse=〈=en-US#reviews

I do not see foundations separately from Costco on their site.


2009/3/26 southbay info <>


Thank you for purchasing an Ara mattress. We appreciate your business. Any box spring that has a continuous sold surface (no slats) is appropriate for a memory foam mattress. If you can call around to a local mattress store, they should have one. If you have a platform bed or a bed frame that is off the floor, you could put down a ¾” piece of plywood and set the mattress on top of that. If you currently have a box spring with slats, you could also place the plywood on top of that.

Unfortunately, the foundation we sell is not offered as an individual item at any of our customers retail outlets.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Best regards,
Customer Service
South Bay International

From: stuman74
Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2009 2:17 PM
To: southbay info
Subject: Re: Help please


Thank you for the reply. I'll have to check my current box springs...I don't think they have slats, but I will confirm. Sounds like if they do, then I can get some plywood to lay between the box spring and mattress. If they do not have slats, will laying the thick (3/4") plywood still work? The box springs under my current king bed are two ~twin-sized box springs.


2009/3/26 southbay info <>

Yes, ¾” plywood is fine, two box springs put together is fine. That is how our foundations come as well.

Best regards,
Customer Service
Re: Best foundation for latex?
Reply #14 Mar 27, 2009 2:37 PM
Joined: Feb 7, 2009
Points: 30
Interesting reply from Sleep Science since the foundation they sell with the ARA memory foam mattress has several LARGE open areas between the metal bars, at least 6 inches in each direction. However, they do include several sheets of thin, flimsy, plastic panels which cover the entire foundation (these panels are as thin as a cardboard box but made of plastic).

I say use the foundation that you currently have with some solid paneling on top. If moisture is a concern you can always add some kind of material between the mattress and foundation. Remember, Costco will come pick up the mattress for any reason if you aren't happy.

The moisture concern is interesting! Living in the desert we never worry about too much moisture!


This message was modified Mar 27, 2009 by dkcs
Re: Best foundation for latex?
Reply #15 Mar 29, 2009 6:17 PM
Joined: Mar 1, 2009
Points: 15
One of the latest posts I read actually dealt with condensation build up under a latex mattress!

zsbhi says "slept on the floor on our new 4 inch latex and the PU base until we built a slat platform on 2x10 lumber--now we have a sturdy, solid, breathable foundation.
While we were on the floor we did notice a buildup of sweaty smelling condensation under where my husband sleeps in 3 days.
Now the mattress is breathing."

Just wanted to redirect in case it helps someone reading this thread.

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