Best mattress cover to buy??
I see that the 8" FBM terry cover will fit a 9" mattress snugly...What if i add a layer or two? And i think the cheaper FBM cover doesn't have a 360 zipper, though it comes in larger sizes...Is the 360 zipper very desirable? Is the terry cloth that much more comfortable, and if so, does anyone know inexpensive ones that are a bit more accommodating in size? whew, this is quite a process! But i DID just order my foam layers from, i can hear the applause now...Just wait for my post-analysis!! ;) thanks! |
Re: Best mattress cover to buy?? electracat
(Aug 16, 2009 12:59 PM) -
Re: Best mattress cover to buy?? LatencyMachine
(Aug 18, 2009 6:32 PM) -
Re: Best mattress cover to buy?? electracat
(Aug 24, 2009 7:12 PM)