Best organic latex mattress?
Dec 29, 2010 4:21 PM
Joined: Dec 29, 2010
Points: 1
I've heard that the Savvy Rest Serenity Dunlop is the best -- but is it worth the high price?  I'm a side and stomach sleeper, about 120 lbs.  My husband is a side and back sleeper, about 180 lbs.  What do you recommend?
Re: Best organic latex mattress?
Reply #1 Dec 29, 2010 5:52 PM
Joined: Oct 3, 2010
Points: 809
Savvy rest is no more "organic" than many of the choices that are popular and have been written about extensively in the forum. They also use the same materials from the same suppliers (Sleep Comp and others) that many others do ... and yet they charge 50% + more than other outlets.

According to their website (although some of their retailer outlets sell for less than their website prices) they charge $3139 for a 9" Talalay latex mattress in a queen. This is widely available in many other places for under $1900 (being generous here) and in some cases less. While talalay does come in "non blended" natural versions ... there is no certified organic Talalay available. In spite of this ... many people prefer using Talalay latex, especially in the comfort layers of a mattress, because it can be made softer and in some constructions can be more pressure relieving and "livelier" than Dunlop.

"USDA certified" organic has questionable benefits over any other natural (non blended) Dunlop. Latex green and coco latex also make natural Dunlop which likely have little if any difference from their organic counterparts made by the same companies and are also widely available. Savvy rest charges $2339 for this (I'm assuming here that their "regular" Dunlop is the certified version) and certified organic latex is also available elsewhere for much less.  If you choose natural and equally "pure" non blended Dunlop latex mattresses ... much much less.

Are they worth the price ... IMO no.


This message was modified Dec 29, 2010 by Phoenix
Re: Best organic latex mattress?
Reply #2 Dec 30, 2010 11:44 AM
Joined: Dec 17, 2009
Points: 850
Without having laid on many of these options available to the US customer base, all I can say is that when you are looking for the 'best' there is a lot more to consider than just the rubber being used.  The base system, the quality of the cotton covers and wool being used.  One thing I have to tell people all the time even though I sell a LOT of organic product is that, just because something is organic does not mean it is made to high quality standards.  On the very high end of things the covers themselves are often as expensive to make as the rubber cores that are put inside.  If you think Savvy Rest is expensive look at OMI Organic Mattresses.  

I personally believe after looking at all of the highest quality finished mattresses available, the best overall quality (comfort not guaranteed by any means) would be Green Sleep, they make their own natural rubber foam and use very advanced ergonomic foundations, the best cotton and wool covers being used as well by a significant margin.  They are also pretty expensive although if looking at mattress only they are actually very reasonable.  The best quality organic mattress sans foam would probably be Lavital.  Although not yet available in North America.  

I think that since you likely don't want to spend more than Savvy Rest prices you should try to find a retailer that actually carries them so you can try them out in person, there are also a few other good options that I have seen other people post up on the forum here, Pure Rest looks to have very good pricing for certified organic product.  

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