Best Tempur Pedic for a side sleeper
Dec 29, 2011 6:58 AM
Joined: Dec 29, 2011
Points: 4
I appreciate everyone's advice...I am about 110 pounds and a side sleeper.  My husband is 195 pounds and mostly a side sleeper due to snoring.  I love a really soft mattress.  I have been looking at the Cloud Luxe and the HD series - Allura.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.  Also, does anyone find the ergo adjustable base a necessity for a side sleeper?  Thanks for your help:)
Re: Best Tempur Pedic for a side sleeper
Reply #1 Dec 29, 2011 9:30 AM
Joined: Nov 19, 2011
Points: 76
Since the comfort level of these mattress is highly subjective, I will just give you some info to help while you shop:

  • Tempurpedic has 3 different types of comfort layers in their beds
    • Standard (5.34lb density)
    • HD (7.0lb density)
    • ES (4.1lb density)
  • In my opinion, most people respond very similarly to the Standard type. It is considered the firmer of the three and is the type they have used for the duration of their time in existence here in the states (to the best of my knowledge)
  • The ES foam is extra soft and feels much like a squishy (in a good way) top on a pillow top bed. There are three models that use the ES foam. The Cloud and the Cloud Supreme both have ES on the top and have Standard directly below it. You would probably be able to get the softness you want without having to pay for the Luxe or the Alluran (maybe), but your husband would probably be able to speak to his comfort with these two as well since he will be able to feel the firmer layer beneath the soft layer. By the way, this soft layer is usually a good choice for the side sleeper as it allows a little softer cradling on the shoulders and hips.
  • Both the Luxe and the Allura (the Rhapsody and the Grand also) have the HD in them. The Luxe has it directly under the ES top layer giving a soft top and a medium soft middle. The only real problem is that your weight my not be heavy enough to make the HD layer react beneath the ES layer on your side (which is why you might find a cheaper solution for your needs). The Allura is actually a LOT of HD foam and is softer than the Rhapsody and the Grand to be sure and woul actually feel a bit firmer to you than to your husband since his weight is 85lbs heavier.
  • When the two of you go try these beds out in the store (please take about 45 minutes to 90 minutes depending on how much pain you currently experience and how sensitive either of you might be during the testing phase.
    • Try the Cloud Supreme first since it is the combination of soft and firm. Try it on your backs, but more importantly on your sides (in your sleeping positions and on your normal side of the bed). If your husband is like many men having to go shop for something as mundane as a bed (at least when they come into my store!), you may need to get him to talk a little more about what he is feeling. It seems that most men will say they can sleep on anything so as to allow the woman to just get the decision over with. Please ask the saleperson to point out the beds you want to try (Cloud Supreme 1st, Allura 2nd and the Luxe last... more if necessary) so that you and your husband can truly discuss what you are feeling and experiencing. If you feel any unnecessary sinking, yuo may want to go ahead and go to the next bed. Give it at least 2 minutes to "settle" completely, but then, if it is still comfortable, give it about 10-12 minutes. If you feel like your back muscles are relaxing-- melting, into the bed, that is usually a good sign.
    • Ask the salesperson how long the beds have been on the floor to see if they will give you a good representation of what a "conditioned bed" will feel like or does it still feel relatively new. If it less than 8-12 weeks, it may still be firmer than a fully cinditioned bed will feel.
    • After trying the 3 (again, for at least a total of 10 minutes on each one) discuss which one felt the best... based on your ability to "relax and melt" into the bed. Melting is NOT the same as sinking... the melting sensation is your muscles relaxing. If you are sinking too far, the muscles will not relax in your back as they will be trying to hold your spine up if you are sinking too far.
    • Finally, if you are planning on getting new pillows with your purchase, have the salesperson fit you for the right pillow. If you have your favorite pillow, take it with you since the pillow provides approx. 18%-20% of yur overall spinal support.

Good Luck and Sleep Well "gert69"!

Re: Best Tempur Pedic for a side sleeper
Reply #2 Dec 29, 2011 10:26 AM
Joined: Dec 29, 2011
Points: 4
Thank you for your quick response.  We went this morning and tried out the different beds.  We both felt the HD line was too firm.  We both could definately feel the difference between the cloud supreme and cloud luxe.  We like the luxe.  Anyone have comments on if the ergo adjustable base really helps with snoring and sleep apnea as the sales person stated?  
Re: Best Tempur Pedic for a side sleeper
Reply #3 Dec 29, 2011 10:45 AM
Joined: Nov 19, 2011
Points: 76
I have had an adjustable base for almost 2 years and my Luxe for just over 6 months... I can definitely say the intensity of my snoring has been improved. Once I understood how different positions affect my sleep, I even sleep flat still... it jsut depends on what I need that night.

Remember, the mattress focuses on pressure points and alignment; the adjustable base will focus on stress points and alignment... they can work very well together, but not mandatory. If you have sleep apnea, the intensity of the snoring part and (depending on what your doctor has told you) ease with which your breathing stops should be reduced.

Acid reflux is actually a by-product benefit of raising your head. If you do some internet research on the cause (and process) which creates acid reflux, you will find that other factors are benefitted by elevating your head at the waist rather than from the shoulders (like most do with pillows) and the by-product helps reduce some of the acid reflux response. As always, please consult with your doctor (preferably one who understands holistic health and not just medications to be prescribed). I just asked a doctor of a heart attack victim last night if there was any other suggestions for my friend's dad other than 4 different medications to help with his blood (blood thinner, reduce/manage cholesterol and heart medications!). The doctor replied: "I am a physician, it is my job to prescribe medications." I like to try and find more natural ways to improve health and sleep, which is why I like the adjustable base myself.

Re: Best Tempur Pedic for a side sleeper
Reply #4 Dec 29, 2011 10:49 AM
Joined: Dec 29, 2011
Points: 4
Thanks again...good advice.  Now, last question.  Is there advice from buying in a retail store vs. directly from tempurpedic?
Re: Best Tempur Pedic for a side sleeper
Reply #5 Dec 29, 2011 11:05 AM
Joined: Nov 19, 2011
Points: 76
gert69 wrote:

Thanks again...good advice.  Now, last question.  Is there advice from buying in a retail store vs. directly from tempurpedic?


Money (and convenience) is the main reason to buy from a retailer. The price is the same on the purchase, but most retailers will offer some other free services that Tempurpedic will charge you for should you need them. Here are my reasons to buy from a retailer:

  • You can try them all out in one location over any period of time you need
  • Delivery is usually free from the retailer and only ocassionally free from Tempurpedic
  • Delivery is almost always sooner through a retailer, depending on what part of the country you are in)
  • Most retailers offer an exchange/return of some sort... you will need to read the fine print as some do have hidden fees. but Tempurpedic will always charge you a re-stocking fee and many times a reutrn shipping fee... if your retailer does not charge for either you could save up to $600 depending on the size and model you purchased
  • If you decide it does not work for you, most retailers will allow the exchange to be done on ANY other mattress in their store regardless of brand... Tempurpedic only has one brand
  • Many retailers will also offer the same "special offer" that Tempurpedic offers online, just check them out before you buy and ask when you get into your store

I like customer service and less money expense... having said that, here is what you would like to see from your retailer if at all possible:

  1. 60 - 100 days for a comfort return OR exchange
  2. Free Delivery
  3. Free Removal (or no more than $10/piece)
  4. No restocking fee
  5. No re-delivery fee
  6. 100% Money back if you do not like the bed and cannot find a suitable replacement
  7. Delivery should be less than 14 days as Tempurpedic usually delivers to retailers once a week and can take up to 4-6 weeks through their website... again this is based on what part of the country you are in.
  8. Some special offer... extended financing, $100 off per foundation, $200 accessories credit... they usually offer one of these throughout different times of the year!

Sleep Well!

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