Blended verses natural latex? Springy?
Jan 22, 2011 12:46 PM
Joined: Jan 22, 2011
Points: 2
Have been reading all I can from the forum. I have notes also from a dozen different websites, unfortunately no notation of where they came from. One said that the blended latex is non toxic. Do you know if that is true? If true of some, can you steer me to non-toxic blends?

It seems that the blended holds up better? What do you think of it for a topper?

One thread here compared the feel of the blended versus natural latex and thought it had a more springy feel. I often read that latex is springy. Have only experienced memory foam, which I like until it loses its firmess and resilience - usually in a few months. I have this picture of laying down and popping up on the foam. :-) Can someone give me an idea of what is meant by "springy." I know it's probably an abstract feeling, but would appreciate any feedback!


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