Brand recommendations, budget 5k, Cali King, in LA.
Hi Everyone, I am looking to buy a new Cali-king mattress and want to spend no more than $5k. I'm in Los Angeles. I had heard Carpe Diem was supposed to introduce an entry level line this year for under $5k but not sure if they have yet. Anyone know if that's happened? Also, is Vi-Spring out of my range? Trying to stay away from the S brands (had a S&F previously, not impressed with it long-term). I'm trying to narrow my search to a few brands with good reputations in my price range. Many thanks in advance for any help you could give me. |
Re: Brand recommendations, budget 5k, Cali King, in LA. sager66
(Sep 5, 2011 10:40 AM) -
Re: Brand recommendations, budget 5k, Cali King, in LA. sandman
(Sep 5, 2011 10:58 AM) -
Re: Brand recommendations, budget 5k, Cali King, in LA. DeeAgeaux
(Sep 5, 2011 11:39 PM)