I love everything about my latex bed so far but wish I had a 1.25" soft topper. I love my 1" Overstock Topper but it is not that sturdy and is falling apart and is a little small for the bed. I have been reading about this sale only good until Monday. Those that have the Brylane 1" latex topper, do you think the ILD is softer than the Overstock or the same? What do you think the ILD is? Is it man-made latex, blended latex or natural latex do you think? Do you have any idea if this is Dunlap latex processing, Talalay latex processing or neither? Does the latex topper fit the size of the mattress or is it a little small like the Overstock topper that is a little short on all sides? Does the topper have a smell when it arrives and if it does, how long does it take to go away? IS there one big piece for the Queen or King size or it the topper glued? I am still not sure since it is 1" and not 1.25" or 1.5" but maybe until I have time to call Dave to see if he can find me a softer latex topper than the 1.2" he got me that is wonderful but the 24 ILD seems to squishy to me and I do not sink in enough to feel the very firm support underneath that I love unless I put a 44 ILD under it and then it is too hard but still squishy. Then I go back to my 1" topper with the 36 ILD over the 39 ILD over the 44 ILD and feel this is very comfortable and I can live with this and rather err on the firm side than too soft due to my car accident causing the 5 herniated disks. I really think about a 17 to 20 ILD over a 38 ILD (if there is a 36 ILD that averages higher) over the 39 ILD over the 44 ILD would be best for me in about 1.25" thickness but I doubt if anything like this is made. :) I like that there is only a tiny fee to return it if it is not what I want. I wish the sale was for another week since I want to call Dave first and see if he has any ideas. |
Lynne, the Brylane toppers are a Talalay blend and, according to mccldwll on another recent thread: "I bought three from Brylane. The quality appears to be good. My guess would be around 25 ILD (22-28). Not convoluted." They are only 64.99 regularly, and I'd bet as soon as this particular 20% coupon runs out, there will be another to replace it. Just like Borders, there is ALWAYS a coupon... so I don't think you need to feel rushed in your decision to buy now. |
Here's the Brylane coupon I was going to use - says it does not expire until March 31. So if the regular price of the topper is the same all the time, then there is no hurry at all for the 20% off.
Thank you kimmcgov and jimsocal on the information and the coupon code. At lest I won't feel rushed into a decision yet with so much else in my life on my mind at the moment. I really want a topper like my Overstock topper that is very soft so I will sink in but thin enough so I will feel the support underneath. I love my 1" overstock topper but since it has been abused by sleeping on it on the floor (bofore I ordered my latex topper since I had no bed anymore I slept on it with a fitted mattress pad and fitted sheet over it on the carpetted floor and it was wonderful but then a friend kept helping me take it on and off of my latex bed to try out new toppers Dave sent to me and he folding it so it ripped in the middle ... he thought I was going to have the 1.5" 24 ILD topper Dave sent to me instead that fit better that I find not soft enough in the shoulders but too squishy in the hips and I don't sink in enough to be confirming so it becomes too soft for my back versus a very soft ILD that is not too thick is a cushion and confirms to my back and I get great support with my set-up underneath.. he knows to roll up the split cores to help me when sending them back so I do not understand why he tried folding it.... he is smart in some ways and has no common sense in other ways). I wish he would have rolled it up like Latex is supposed to be. He is helpful and not helpful at the same time. I wish someone would invent a special type of zoning that has each split core made into 3rds so their are 6 pieces on the top layer instead of two over the split regular cores so that my shoulders can be a little softer than my hips. I like my hip area very firm so my hips do not sink in much. So far before the car accident, I found my latex bed just about perfect. After the car accident it is better than the conventional beds but I am still working on a little softer for my shoulders while keeping it firm for my hip area. Then I wonder if being only 1", maybe I can cut it in half so the bottom half is on my middle and hip area and my soft latex topper is on the upper half. Sorry for the poor sentences but I am not feeling great this morning from too much stress in my life and being up too late finishing a deadline. |
What are you all using for covers on these latex toppers? Or can you use them under sheets without a cover? |
I don't have my toppers yet — I ordered 2 one inch toppers from Brylane. I've been looking around for covers though, thinking that I should probably get one especially if I have two toppers or decide to do some "cut and paste" zoning, to keep it all together. I found an EBay store that makes terry cloth covers for $48.00 and will also custom make something to some odd size if you need: http://cgi.ebay.com/ANY-SIZE-TERRY-CLOTH-MATTRESS-PAD-COVER_W0QQitemZ260188177937QQcmdZViewItem They look pretty nice, though not 100% cotton, and it seems like a good price. I think it might be important to have a stretchy material around the latex to get full benefit from the conforming nature of the foam. |
My latex topper fits perfectly under my zipped up FloBed mattress zipped up cover. Latex needs to be covered. I love the new mattress cover I was sent in September. I have room for up to a 2" topper since that is what comes with the mattress. I actually like the way it feels with the 1" topper and everything is really perfect but the Overstock topper is cheap and I want a sturdier one and I really wish I had a little more cushion on my shoulders but I can live with it now but if this topper from Overstock does not last, I would like to have options available now so I will not be stuck. |
We used our's right under two top sheets. |
When I use a latex topper, I put it under another fitted sheet and then my CuddleBed fiber pad over that, topped by the sheet we lay on. It stays very snug and protected. |
Lynn, I believe it's the Talalay processing. When I went to Natura's website, their latex toppers are described as Talalay. Also, the photo of it on Brylane Home looks like Talalay. I think I'll order one. It's costly to ship, but at least only $5.75 to send back, if need be. I don't know why they can't send it as cheaply. :) Overstock manages to! |
If you use the 20% coupon--and there's always a coupon, it's pretty much like free shipping. I'm actually going to order one tonight! I think I can stand 1" of soft Talalay, even if I have to stick it under the memory foam to deaden any latent jiggle. For that price I can afford to experiment. If I don't use it now I'll just put it away until I dissect my mattress and replace the PU crap. |
I joined the "Let's order the Brylane latex topper club", too. LOL Last night after reading so much about it here and noticing that it was the lowest priced anywhere....I succumbed. :) I am running out of room to store various foam toppers, so I hope I can find a permanent home on someone's bed here! |
I ordered the Brylanehome.com Latex Topper with the 20% off but after placing the order I decided to click the item and print the picture and description of it to attach to my print out of the order confirmation. Then it hit me that if it was a Talalay Processed Latex topper, it would say this. Since they never answered my email several days ago, I thought maybe I should see if there is a phone number to call. Sure enough they were open and Marianne ID# 30446 told me it was a man-made latex topper and not Talalay latex processing. I have problems with the smell of man-made latex since I bought a pillow about 1.5 years ago that I had to give to a friend that I was sensitive to by the chemical smell and how hard the latex was. I now sleep on a 100% natural Talalay latex pillow. I canceled the order right away. It is a good price for those that are not chemically sensitive but for those that are chemically sensitive like me, I would rather not take a chance on having to pack it up and return it when I am so busy right now. Thank you everyone for letting me know about this topper. I appreciate this site and all of your help. I thought I should share my knowledge to help others make an informed decision. Remember if you can handle polyurethane, I am sure man-made latex will not bother you. For me chemicals bother me and I need to breath as I sleep. This message was modified Feb 4, 2008 by Lynn2006
I wrote to Brylanehome.com again and I get back automatic responses the tell me nothing and are nothing to do with my question. I wrote to Natura tonight (their website seems to indicate it is a Talalay blend but sometimes manufactures sell products of different ingredients to different companies to be price competitive) and I am waiting for a response on what the product is really made out of and the ILD. This message was modified Feb 4, 2008 by Lynn2006
PLEASE. Stop wasting bandwidth. Read the threads. Phone people don't know or care. They don't know the ILD. They don't know what talalay is. It's talalay blend. |
Thank you Mccldwll for letting me know. I just can't understand if they are selling a Talalay blend why they do not list that information on their site since it is important to me. I do not like 100% man-made latex but a Lalalay blend does not bother my allergies at all. I am waiting a response from the Natura Manufacturer and I will let you know for sure. How are you so sure it is a Talalay blend? Do you have one of the toppers that says it on the side? I ordered a pillow that was man-made and it was too hard for me and bothered my allergies so I hate returning things that I lose out on shipping to my home as well as having to pay shipping back along with my time. But the price is good. I wish it was a softer latex. This message was modified Feb 5, 2008 by Lynn2006
mccldwll, I just got off the phone with Natura about 15 minutes ago. They are located in Canada. You are so right that they specially make this topper for Brylanehome.com and it is a 1" blended Talalay Latex Topper with a 60% synthetic latex blended with 40% natural latex with a firmess that is medium ranging from 26 to 32 ILD. Telephone operators should have a better description of the products they sell. Thank you again. I am just letting others know to correct my misinformed prior post. |
When you say it is a firmness ranging from 26-32 ILD does that mean they don't know exactly which it is, or is it zoned? It is not zoned, is it? Seems weird that they can't say more or less exactly what the ILD is. I wonder why not? I thought the whole advantage of Talalay was that they could make a consistent product. This message was modified Feb 5, 2008 by jimsocal
All latex has some variation in ILD from one section of the core to another. This would work out to a target ILD of 29 with a +/-3 ILD variance. This seems like a fair range for a talalay blend. |
I just got a 25% off coupon code via e-mail from Brylane. I hope it lasts a few days. I want to wait until I get the latex topper I ordered a couple days to see how I like it. If I do, then I'll get another one for my husband's side. I had ordered the Queen because I need an XL Twin and they're both 80" long. After I cut them to fit, I'll have two pieces that will more than equal another XL Twin when I put them together. So, three XL Twins for the price of two. |
I got the same 25% off coupon so I decided to use it today to buy the Talalay latex topper since maybe it averages out to 32 ILD 1" and then I can ask Dave if he can get me a 1" soft latex topper on top of this (f he can't I will just live with my Overstock Topper until it is not usable) and then I can move up my 44 ILD latex core to the middle of my three latex cores so that I have 36 ILD over 44 ILD over 39 ILD. I will let you know how I like the topper. My toppers from Dave at FloBeds have been all 100% natural latex so I am hoping that the blended so close to the top of the mattress will be OK. I have had no problems with the blended latex 44 ILD latex cores so far while all my other latex cores are Natural Talalay Latex and not blended. If the Brylane Topper is not right for me, I will just send it back since despite my car accident changing my comfort level to needing my bed a bit firmer, I really am comfortable with the set-up right now with the 1" latex topper over the 36 ILD over the 39 ILD over the 44 ILD. My concern is the topper I now have is the Overstock topper that is ripped (not nearly as sturdy as the toppers Dave sent to me but the Overstock Topper is so soft at 1" and I think I like that but no more than this depth in this softness) and I do not think it will last so long so I am trying to find a suitable replacement. I wanted a 1.5" topper but I think it is too squishy for me (dave sent me one that is so nice so I feel so bad but I had thought I wanted 1.5 at 24 ILD) being that I was not sinking in enough. I do love my bed and love how I do not turn from side to side all night like I used to. I never had toppers before but now I see I just like that little bit of cushion but with very firm support underneath. Maybe I will end up needing a 1" 32 ILD topper from Dave if the topper from Brylane averages out to 26 ILD since they said it ranged from 26 to 32 ILD. I will keep you all updated. BeddyBye, KimMcGov, let us know how you like your toppr since I am sure yours will arrive before mine arrives. |
Lynne, I'm glad that you called Natura and found out about the firmness of the topper. Thanks for sharing that info. Brylane doesn't seem to be set up to have that much detailed information about their products. I'm thinking if it is closer to 32 ILD, I'll do the same as you and get another 1 inch softer layer for on top. I'm kind of amazed that this is a Natura topper and that it is so cheap. We have a Natura fleece wool mattress pad that we got as part of our comfort exchange when we traded for a lesser priced innerspring mattress. They weren't about to give us any money back, so we picked out this topper worth $300.00 to make up the difference (I never would have spent that much on it otherwise). I just got an email today from Brylane saying that they had shipped my toppers. Finally— I placed the order a week ago. So be prepared for it to take a while to get yours... Kim |
Hmmmm...I was hoping it would be about 25-28 ILD. I already have two 1" 32 ILD talalay latex layers. I wanted something a wee bit softer just to make it cushier on my hips. Well, I'll have to compare it when it arrives. Thanks for the info, Lynn. |
I have 3. I haven't tried to calculate ILD yet, but I think it will be closer to 26 than 32 (I have a piece of 3", 36 ILD LI w/ an average ILD of around 33 for comparison). |
mccldw, Thanks for the information so maybe the toppers will be around 26 or 28 and not the up to 32 ILD Natura sazys they could be. I have four 36 ILD latex cores here and one averages a little over 39 ILD, one averages 35 ILD, and the other two feel around 36 to 36 ILD since their average report is partially gone. I know one of my two 44 ILD"s averages about 46 ILD. I will have something to compare the topper's softness to when it arrives. Maybe they average all different and some people will get the softer ones and others will get the firmer ones but they did tell me they average from 26 to 32 so we will have to wait and see. The price was so good, with the 25% off coupon for a Talalay Tatex topper despite it being a blend that I had to take a chance. If it is not right for me, then at least I will be that much closer to figuring out what topper I need to replace my Overstock Topper that I have on top of my FloBed since the 2" topper it came with was too soft for me being that I am not quite 5 feet and not quite 100 lbs so I did not sink enough in to feel the firmness underneath. Mind you that I slept on the carpeted floor on this 1" topper for a few months before ordering my Latex bed and I was comfortable so I like firm beds. :) I slept on my firmer side of my bed last night and I woke up so comfortable. Some nights I like the firmer side and other nights I like the softer side since my car accident in August 2007. My firmer side is 1" very soft Overstock topper over 36 ILD 3.0" natural Talalay Latex Core over 44 ILD blended Talalay Latex 2.8" Latex Core over 36 ILD Natural Talalay 3.0" Latex core. So far I like both sides of my bed with one firmer than the other. Again, if my overstock topper was not ripped and in better shape, I would leave everything the way it is since I am comfortable. The topper I am sending back to Dave is 1.5" averaging 24 ILD. It is a Queen Size 100% natural Latex Topper with the best feel but it is too squishy for me with not being soft enough for my shoulders but too squishy for my lower back. So I am hoping the Brylane Topper is a 32 ILD for me unless a lower ILD with only 1" will feel better. Again, For years I just turned from side to side all night to get off my pressure points as I slept on an extra firm Posteurpedic Bed over a platform bed with no cushion at all on top. This topper with a tiny bit of cushion for my pressure points is a new idea to me and I really know it works since I do not move so much now that I am sleeping so I am getting a better quality of sleep. Now I just need to go to bed earlier and stop analyzing things at night on the computer. |
That sounds promising. I would prefer the topper to be more like a softer-medium, as opposed to a medium-firm. Something in the middle. It shipped today, so I have about a week before it arrives. |
BeddyBye, please let us know if the topper is softer or about the same as your other toppers. Since I was told the topper ranges from 26 ILD to 32 ILD and since no matter how consistent Talalay Latex is, parts are firmer and softer than other parts, the topper may vary. I know my Talalay Latex Pieces have three ILD's on them with an average ILD that is give or take +/- 3 ILD. For instance one of my 36 Natural Talaly Latex cores averages out to 39 ILD, one of my 44 ILD blended Latex Cores averages out to a little more than 46 ILD, and one of my other 36 ILD latex cores averages out to about 34 ILD and I wish this latex core was firmer. |
Well even I--the no big fan of Talalay person--had to order one of these things. The price and the thickness was just too enticing to pass up, especially with the coupon. But I still have NO IDEA what ILD it is. Brylane gives you very little information. I even called them and the operator had about as much info as I did. But I'm just wondering if it's really Natura, or if they are using the name. I was on the Natura website, and not only do they not even have a 1" topper, their products are so pricey I can't imagine them allowing Brylane to sell merchandise with their name on it for that price. Also there's been some discussion here about whether it's blended or natural... Brylane's product description says "natural." It also says "medium density" and "imported" so it will be interesting to see what it actually is when I get it--which should be next Tuesday. It will also be interesting to see what all of us who ordered this topper thinks of it. |
Large package label identifies it as Natura's Naturalux--which if you dig on the website is blended talalay. NO ONE sells 100% natural talalay without identifying it as such since that's a more expensive product. While the ILD of the original 5.6" bun may have been in the 26-32 range, once you've sliced it down to 1" thicknesses it gets a bit more iffy (with +/-3 on original at various test spots, you'll also get variance throughout thickness). Look at it this way--the higher the ILD, the better a deal it becomes. Brylane has these on clearance. Don't know if sold originally at higher price, or if Brylane liquidating them for someone else (even Natura). May originallyhave been created as a mattress component for a big company (such as Sealy) which switched to synthetic. May just be older product. I doubt they were created for Brylane. |
I jumped on the bandwagon and ordered one in Queen size. It came in a couple of days. It comes folded in a Natura zippered bag just like my Natura wool topper. The insert says it is Talalay Latex - Country of Origin: England - which means it is Dunlopillo, packaged in Canada. Not sure about ILD. Probably medium-ish. I put it on the bed under the thick wool topper to see if we liked it. I liked the comfy feel combined with the wool topper but my husband couldn't stand it. It was too soft for him. We took the whole thing off the bed after midnight and he zonked right out. At least I know the bed really works for him. I'll use the topper somewhere else or send it to my mom. |
How'd you get yours so fast? They didn't even ship mine until a week after I ordered it, and I don't know when I'll get it. After all of this speculation about them, I am really interested in how it (or they, since I ordered two) will feel. |
Mine came from Indianapolis to Wisconsin. I'm assuming they send things out from the warehouse closest to you - like amazon.com does. The catalog says they are in Taunton, Mass. I've never ordered from them before. More later. I'm comparing to some ILD 36 Talalay I got to add to my son's bed. |
I just opened the 2" 36 ILD Talalay topper I got to beef up one of our six inch Dunlop cores. I compared it to the doubled over (so it was 2 inches like the 36 ILD topper) queen sized Brylane Natura topper - and the 36 ILD topper is definitely firmer than the Brylane. I'd say the Brylane is closer to 25-28, assuming the other one is actually close to 33-36. The Brylane topper also has quite a bit of the sweet "vanilla" latex smell if that bothers anyone. I like the smell but I know it bothers some people. I still like the feel of Dunlop better but this was a great price for Queen size and should work well under the wool topper in the guest room. Now I have to find a good cotton cover for it. |
I just tried the doubled over Brylane topper under my Natura Comfort Plus wool topper and it is heavenly. The wool seems to dampen the "push back" of the Talalay. Too bad my husband is such a party pooper. He absolutely could not sleep with the one layer under the wool topper. He'd really hate this! He liked the topper by itself when we had it on the futon but that inch of latex made it unbearably soft for him on the new latex mattress. |
Thanks for sharing all of your empirical evidence. I'm excited to get my toppers now. We also have a Natura wool topper which I think WOULD dampen any possible push-back or bounciness in the latex. You have been such a wealth of information on this forum and are definitely the "Research Queen". No wonder you nailed your mattress the first time... |
We use an electric carving knife, but before that we cut latex with an exacto knife and/or kitchen shears. |
I'm thinking about it. But I'm comfortable on my side too. I just enjoy the extra cozy feel of the wool topper with the soft latex. I don't "need" it. I'm also trying to find a way to use the nice wool topper we don't need anymore. My husband "needs" the firmness more than I like the superfluous layers. He also tends to sleep pretty warm. I do have a question about cutting latex. Why does the electric carving knife work better than a shears or exacto knife? Is there any particular technique that works best? |
Well, if exacto knife or shears works well for you, there may not be a big advantage to the electric knife. We found using an exacto knife a bit more of a hassle. The reason we like the electric carving knife is 1) it's nice and long for cutting up to 4-5" thick foam. If all you're cutting is 1" or 2" thick layers, probably the sheers or knife is about as good. The knife cuts through it nice and straight like cutting butter with a hot knife! Also it's so easy - instead of having to take the foam to a table and all that, we can just hold it up in the air - one holds and the other cuts - and just start cutting from the top down. The electric knife just makes it all very easy and it's easy to cut in one continuous straight line. |
I had to order a Queen topper from Brylane so I could get the length for my XL Twin mattress. If I want to try it on my side, then it will mean having to trim it to fit. Hmmmm...that means I can't return it if it proves not to be what I want. I suppose I COULD ask my husband to sleep in the guest room for a couple nights while I try it out. :) I can't very well lay it across our bed and make him sleep on the "leftover part" that will be on his side. What to do...what to do. |
Why not just let it hang over the side? It might be a little awkward while you test drive it, but at least your hubby can have his half of the bed without a lump in the middle of his space. If you're sticking it inside the mattress cover just leave it unzipped, but it might be easier just to place it between the mattress and the sheet just to test it. |
So it really is Natura. For the price Brylane is selling it at I wondered. Well good to know it's made in England by Dunlopillo. I was expecting it to be made in China or Sri Lanka or some place where the quality is suspect. Now I feel even better about this. I was a bit concerned that if I had to put it away for a few years until I reconstruct my mattress, it might have degraded by then. I think I can expect a product from Dunlopillo to perform the same way I would expect one from LI to. Mine is due to arrive on Tuesday, but if the Talalay smell is really strong I might have to let it air out in another room for a few days before I put it on my bed. I'm one of those people who are bothered by that rather overpowering sweet smell of Talalay. |
I thought about that, cloud9. I hadn't planned on putting it inside my mattress cover, at least at first. I want to try it as a topper on the outside of my mattress and see how that feels. Then I might replace my top layer on the inside of my mattress with that for a different feel. My mattress guy said that leaving the cover unzipped even slightly will change the feel of my bed. The cover, when zipped up, gives it a more "together, firmer feel". It would be too sloppy if left unzipped. Well, I'll wait to see how it looks and feels after it arrives. Should be any day now. I think on Tuesday. Maybe Wednesday. They shipped it the 6th and said it should arrive in 7 days. cloud9 wrote: Why not just let it hang over the side? It might be a little awkward while you test drive it, but at least your hubby can have his half of the bed without a lump in the middle of his space. If you're sticking it inside the mattress cover just leave it unzipped, but it might be easier just to place it between the mattress and the sheet just to test it. This message was modified Feb 10, 2008 by BeddyBye
You were lucky it only took a couple of days to arrive. Mine said 7 days. It sounds promising knowing it's from Dunlopillo. Thanks for that bit of encouraging information! ***************************************** Mattressmom wrote: I jumped on the bandwagon and ordered one in Queen size. It came in a couple of days. It comes folded in a Natura zippered bag just like my Natura wool topper. The insert says it is Talalay Latex - Country of Origin: England - which means it is Dunlopillo, packaged in Canada. |
Where would you say the Brylane latex topper falls here (Plush or Cushion Firm)? Or somewhere in between? I just hope it's a bit softer than my current 32 ILD layer. Firmness Level Indentation Load Deflection (ILD) Plush 14, 19, 24 Cushion Firm 28, 32 Firm 36 Extra Firm 40, 44 |
It's hard to say but I'd say mine is pretty cushy - mid 20's or so. It is quite a bit softer than the 36 ILD Talalay I got the other day. |
My two toppers just arrived and they seem pretty soft. I don't have a lot of experience with latex though, so can't really make a guess at the ILD. I'm wondering if two together will be too squishy, but we'll see... I might need to send one back and order a 1 inch piece of 28 or 32 ILD from somewhere else if we are sinking in too much or bottoming out. They smell like deep fried donuts. I hope the smell goes away... I'll report back after sleeping on one as well as both of them. |
Kim, Thanks for letting us know how soft the Brylane toppers are. I will compare the toppers to my 36 ILD latex cores and my Overstock soft topper and take a guess at the ILD. Maybe they are on the lower side of softness from the range the Natura Customer Service lady gave me. I would let them air out for several days and then try them out with only one on top (maybe that is all you will need) and then two on top and decide then if you should send back one topper and buy another one firmer that is 1" also. My topper has not arrived. I only ordered one since I really only like a tiny bit of cushion. The Overstock topper I have now is a perfect softeness for me over my very firm latex bed except it is falling apart and is natural but not Talalay and is also a little bit small for my bed. |
Hmmmm....I hope it's not as cushy as the convoluted latex topper from Overstock.com. I had to take that off after it starting making my lower back hurt. Does anyone know how it compares, of those who own both? I simply can't have a feeling of sinking in TOO much. I'm still trying to figure out how I'm going to try it out on my XL Twin bed without cutting it. By the way, is the Queen glued together? In other words, is there a Twin size glued to another piece making it Queen size? I wish they had come in King. ****************************************************** mattressmom wrote: It's hard to say but I'd say mine is pretty cushy - mid 20's or so. It is quite a bit softer than the 36 ILD Talalay I got the other day. This message was modified Feb 11, 2008 by BeddyBye
I'm wondering if instead of using this as a TOPPER , if I should take my 32 ILD out of my MATTRESS and add the Brylane latex instead. It seems it would make my mattress a little softer, but maybe not as soft as it would feel if it were used as a topper. Underneath that I would have a 44 ILD and a 55 ILD HR PU base over the coils. What do you think? Sound like a plan if I find it too soft on the OUTSIDE of my mattress? |
My Overstock latex topper is Talalay process. Blended, I'm sure. |
BeddyBye, I kept the package to the Overstock Topper and mine does not say Talalay and says Natural Latex. Mine is very soft and I only like it inside my zipped up cover over a 39 over a 36 over a 44. I am still thinking of asking dave to exchange two of my 36 ILD's for two more that are almost a 40 ILD since I like my bed very firm with a tiny bit of cushion on top. I like the 1" cushion. I am hoping the Brylane topper can replace my Overstock Topper since I was hoping it would b sturdier. |
BeddyBye, There is not a glue seam on this topper — maybe because it is Dunlopillo?. It's a good question as it seems that all queen size toppers made by LI are made of two pieces glued together. If you are only using one of the toppers maybe one inch would not bother your back even it it were pretty soft... but then again Maries's husband knew right away that he couldn't stand it. It seems like a good idea if it doesn't work as a top layer to try it inside your mattress. I am going to air mine out tonight and put it on the bed tomorrow. Stay tuned... |
kimmcgov, it could very well be the different brands and the way they do it. I'm hoping I made a good choice! We'll see in a day or so. I'll be looking forward to hearing how yours feels! ***************************************************** kimmcgov wrote: BeddyBye, There is not a glue seam on this topper — maybe because it is Dunlopillo?. It's a good question as it seems that all queen size toppers made by LI are made of two pieces glued together. <BR><BR>If you are only using one of the toppers maybe one inch would not bother your back even it it were pretty soft... but then again Maries's husband knew right away that he couldn't stand it. It seems like a good idea if it doesn't work as This message was modified Feb 11, 2008 by BeddyBye
kimmcgov, I can't wait to hear your update on your topper after you air it out. I think some of the smell could be the packing material and then I guess everything outgasses to a certain extent with some material outgassing over the lifetime like Formaldehyde in pressed wood that I can not tolerate and others for a short amount of time like freshly cut pine wood. I am happy to hear there is no glue and the topper is one piece since in the picture it is two pieces glued and I prefer one piece like my too small Overstock topper. Again I slept well with my 1" Overstock topper over my 39 ILD Latex core over the 36 ILD latex core over the 44 ILD latex core over the slat box. So I have a feeling after my topper arrives, I will want one more 39 ILD latex core from FloBed. Even though they only have 36 ILD and 44 ILD, I found out from a poster here that I can ask for the 36 ILD to be a higher firmer average since Latex International has the testings on th side of the mattress if it was not cut off when the 6" core was cut in half. I sure hope I like my Brylane Topper since it is blended latex and so far all my toppers have been all natural unless the overstock topper is blended but the package says all natural. |
Deep fried donuts. Tee hee... Some people might find that a selling point. I wonder if they add that smell or if that is the natural latex. All the other plain latex pieces I got from Sleep Comp had absolutely no smell at all. The natural Dunlop six inch cores and the 2" 36 ILD Talalay were all from Sleep Comp - but they might have been made by Latex International for all I know. I'm so confused about all these manufacturers and suppliers....... |
No glued seam on my Queen topper either. I think Dunlopillo must use different size molds than LI does. I think LI Talalay larger than Twin XL has a seam. |
I just put the topper on the bed underneath the Natura fleece wool topper. I'll start with just one and see how that feels. Them maybe—or not—add the second one... By the way, the topper is actually a little wider than our bed. It measures 61 inches across. This is a first, as usually companies cut them smaller— to save money, I guess. |
LOL. Deep fried donuts! I love the smell of talalay latex! At least it's not fattening. :-) |
My Brylane Latex Topper arrived and I opened it up to air it out and the smell is mild compared to a topper I was sent that had a glue seam and was 100% natural Talalay Latex that smelled so bad for several days. I will air it out a few days before trying it. It definitely is as soft as my Overstock topper and is fragile too since it just ripped. It is a little dirty but look like once I air it out it will be the right size for my bed. If it is a little big I may have to cut it so it will not bunch up since the 1.5" latex topper Dave sent me bunched up bothering me being slightly too big for the one I just sent back. But the one Dave sent me was sturdier and much nicer but had that glue seam and I think the glue seam bothers my allergies. I can see I will not be putting my Overstock topper over this as I was hoping it would be a 32 ILD. I will see how it is compared to my overstock topper and report back to all of you. Then I can call Dave and let him know if I need one of the 36 ILD's exchanged for a 39 ILD so both sides of my bed are equal. My Overstock Pillows arrived also but despite having just about no smell and being so white the natural latex is not any softer or flatter than the latex pillows I bought from them lat year. Their web site seemed to indicate it was so I was thinking I would be getting a lower profile pillow. Oh well, now I just have extra pillows and feel a bit disappointed. |
I just got mine today, too. I'm almost afraid to take it out because something tells me this might be too soft. It feels very similar to my Overstock topper, only without the convoluted side. You're right that it seems like it could tear easily. I sure wish they would have listed the ILD. I'm just concerned it's going to end up causing lower back pain like the other one. If I can be assured of folding it back up easily and getting it back into the bag, I might give it a try. I like the $39.99 price of the Overstock topper better. :) We'll see! I sure couldn't see laying on two of these stacked. I would sink in way too much. |
Well, I decided to send my Brylane topper back. I laid it on our bed, draping it over my side and tucked it in under the CuddleBed fiber topper I have (and LOVE). I did NOT like the soft, squishy feel of the latex. I tried it without the CuddleBed and still didn't care for the way it felt under my back. I can just tell my lower back would start to ache if I slept on this for any length of time. So, I packaged it back up and I'm taking it back to UPS tomorrow. It didn't really feel much different that my Overstock toppers. If I want that kind of feel, I'll just stick to those (for the lower price.) You know, I honestly don't think I do well with latex or memory foam toppers. I can handle medium and firm latex inside a mattress, but none of it on top. I'm beginning to feel I might do better with the type of HR polyurethane Geo-Matt I mentioned in another thread. http://www.spanamerica.com/geomatt.php If over 4,000 hospitals use it for pressure relief they can't be too bad. And, as I said, I slept on something similar, if not the same thing, for 2 nights when I was in the hospital and my back felt fine. I notice that Overstock.com sells a King for $99.99. $2.95 shipping and sometimes FREE. Of course, this is IF I were going to have a topper, Ideally, I prefer to have my mattress feel great without having to add anything for enhancement. I really like the way my CuddleBed gives it that extra "cush", so I think that's all I really want. I'm getting used to the firmer feel of my mattress without all the foam on top. If I still feel like I want some more softness, I might try that Geo-Matt or even ask my mattress guy what he suggests in a good HR PU topper. The Geo-Matt is 3.5" high which might be too much. |
I measured my Brylane Topper and if I keep it, I will have to cut it since I hate it when it is too big and bunches up causing me discomfort. I am airing it out but it really does not have a strong odor like the other latex toppers I tried out. It is 61.75" wide and 80.75" long. I do not understand why Latex manufactures can not cut a topper the right size. Too big to me is worse than too small since it then will not lie flat inside the zippered mattress cover. But it is soft and it may work over three very firm layers with nothing under it. I will compare it with my Overstock topper. I was just surprised at how easy it tears also so I guess 1" soft latex is fragile. To me it feels like no more than 22 ILD but I was told it was 26 to 32 ILD. But I have no idea what my Overstock Latex topper's ILD is (but they feel about the same softness to me) and I know the really nice and sturdy and silky topper I just sent back to FloBeds (was 1.5" of 24 ILD on the average if anyone is interested... I did not like the glued piece and it felt too cushiony for me for being too thick after all..... think I need only a 1" topper for my back.... would have loved the thicker topper for my shoulders and I almost kept it and cut it......) was firmer than this topper unless it just feels softer since it is only 1". Of course it is over my banister right now so I had to use a metal ruler to measure with it hanging down and my fingers to feel it. Maybe it will feel differently when I like on it. I like that it is a full 1" with no convolution and it is Talalay Latex since that processing does not bother my allergies. |
"I'm beginning to feel I might do better with the type of HR polyurethane Geo-Matt I mentioned in another thread." BeddyBye, did you see this when you were looking at the JCPenney site: http://www2.jcpenney.com/jcp/ProductsHOM.aspx?ItemID=1126e08&ItemTyp=G&GrpTyp=STY&ShowMenu=T&ShopBy=0&SearchString=mattress+pad&RefPage=SearchDepartment.aspx&CmCatId=SearchResults&Search1Prod=True Dream Coil Foam Mattress Pad Never goes flat! 5-zone support pad Air ventilation design keeps you cool Lifetime manufacturer's warranty Firm support. Patented Omalon® foam is guaranteed never to go flat. Supports your body with special emphasis on critical pressure points. 1½" thick. It looks intriguing. It is Omalon foam — not sure how that compares to HR foam (what IS that anyway?) It's not as thick as the Geo Matt which might mean it fits inside your mattress. The price is right — $39.00 for a queen size — AND it has a lifetime warranty (better than latex). Anyone else have any thoughts about this? |
If it is polyurethane, I am allergic to the outgassing. But if someone does not have allergies to the outgassing of chemicals, then it sounds like a very good deal. |
Hi kimmcgov~ I had seen this topper several months ago and was curious. But, now I might just go ahead and buy one! I was going to get the XL Twin for $29.99, but for $49.99 I can get the King. I notice it's wider than two XL Twins would be side by side. I can always cut it in half if I want to put each layer inside our individual mattresses. (If I don't want to use it as a topper.) I wonder what the ILD is. I see that it's a high density, which is good. I also see that they use 6" cores of Omalon in mattresses under softer comfort layers. Do you think this Dream Coil topper would be TOO firm to lay on as a comfort layer? Or would it be better tucked inside my current mattress? Hmmmm. Interesting. I'm going to see if I can find a free shipping code for JCPenney. Did you ask what HR foam is? It's High Resiliency: High Resilience (HR) Foam A variety of polyurethane foam produced using a blend of polymer or graft polyols. High resilience foam has a less uniform (more random) cell structure different from conventional products. The different cell structure helps add support, comfort, and resilience or bounce. High resilience foams have a high support factor and greater surface resilience than conventional foams and are defined in ASTM D3770. Thanks for showing me this topper! I'd be interested in others' opinions. |
I bit the bullet and ordered ithe Dream Coil. I figure I can always drive 30 miles to return it to Penneys if need be. I ordered the King so I can lay it across both our XL Twin mattresses if I want to try it as a topper. I'm wondering if this will be just the opposite of the Brylane Latex topper and be too FIRM. :) We shall see! I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks again, kimmcgov. |
Got my Brylane topper today. I was surprised to find that it didn't smell like fried donuts--it didn't smell like much of anything at all, other than the vinyl bag it was packed in. I had been bracing myself for that overpoweringly sweet smell that LI latex has. The overall quality seems nice. But like all soft latex it is delicate and you have to handle it carefully. I let it air out for a few hours and put it on my bed. Although the foam felt very soft to the hand, similar to the 20-22 layer I had from SleepEZ, it actually made the bed feel harder than it does with the 1" Overstock memory foam topper on it. And not as cushy. I'm not sure if I'm going to try sleeping on it alone or put the memory foam back over it. But that might make the bed too soft for me. So right now the jury's out on whether it's a keeper or not. If I decide it won't work on my current mattress I'll try it out with the memory foam on the extra firm guest room bed. That will help me decide whether I want to keep it for when I reconstruct my mattress or if latex undermines my back support even at 1". |
Mine is now on its way back to Brylane. If I didn't have so many other foam and latex toppers stashed around my house, I might have considered holding onto it for "future reference". But, my spare rooms are too cluttered as it is! So, now I'll wait for the Carpenter Dream Coil Omalon mattress pad and see how that goes. At this point my mattress configuration without any toppers has been working for me pretty well. So, we'll see! I agree that the Brylane topper had a different feel than a memory foam topper. Instead of cushy it felt spongy and springy, but still apt to be sinkable, a big no-no for my lower back. |
Well, the Brylane topper is coming off the bed. Our lower backs gave the verdict this morning: too soft. I guess I won't even try adding the other one as it seems that would probably be... well, twice as soft. I'm thinking of hanging on to one of them though for possible use in a future zoning experiment. It did feel good on my shoulder area, so maybe I can work it in to the mix at some point. If it were on top of a firmer surface than our mattress, it might be the perfect thing, but there is enough give in the cushion part of the mattress to allow for too much sinking in of the hips. I was really surprised that 1 inch of foam could make that much difference. I think I will try the Dream Coil pad from Penneys next, though I should probably wait for BeddyBye's verdict on it. I think I'll also order the zoned latex/PU topper that they (Penney's) sell to do a side-by-side comparison. Back to the drawing board... |
OK, I just ordered the two toppers from Penney's. I found a coupon for free shipping (or 15% off your oder) at: http://www.jcpenney-coupons.com We have a Penney's at the local mall, so it will be easy to return them if they don't work out. |
Kim, Let us know how the new JCPenney toppers feel. They sound perfect except I would be allergic to them. If it wasn't for my allergies to polyurethane, I would try the toppers also. I guess Natura was wrong and the range up to 32 ILD must be wrong also and the softness must be even lower than the 26 ILD since to me it feels just as soft as my very soft Overstock topper. I will try out the topper in a few days. My bed is very firm so 1" of softness may be good. It appears thicker than my Overstock topper and if it is too soft, I will either return it or cut it to be on my shoulders since my hips and back like the bed firmer and my shoulders like a tiny bit of cushion. Please keep us updated. |
I used a 15% off coupon. I couldn't get the free shipping code to work. That would have saved me a buck and some change more. Oh, well. 15% will have to do! I was a bit concerned that the Omalon would be TOO firm. But, I read more about it on the Carpenter website: http://www.carpenter.com/Divisions/bedding_omalon.htm I like where it said it has Superior Surface Softness. As long as that doesn't translate to SINKING it might be okay! I noticed that the sizes are a bit smaller than the actual mattress, though. I ordered a regular King, so I hope it will fit okay. I wish they hadn't replaced our Penney's with a Macy's. Oh well, it will give me an excuse to drive over to the one 30+ miles away. I can always find something fun to exchange it for, I'm sure! ;-) ******************************************************* kimmcgov wrote: OK, I just ordered the two toppers from Penney's. I found a coupon for free shipping (or 15% off your oder) at: http://www.jcpenney-coupons.com. We have a Penney's at the local mall, so it will be easy to return them if they don't work out. This message was modified Feb 13, 2008 by BeddyBye
Someone please tell me if the Brylane EVER comes in a King size? Just looking for a low cost topper that is soft to add to my Dunlop Mattress. The price is good but never a King! Any ideas on a good price on a King sized topper Soft? I bought my sons topper and mattress from Foambymail and I am very happy with that so I may be buying my topper from them, but the Brylane price is good! |
2 x twin toppers = a king topper in most cases. You could just lay them side by side. |
I am trying to paste what I copied from an email I sent myself but it is so difficult to paste anything in this site: Free Shipping at BrylaneHome.com through 2-18-08 Monday using Promo Code PHPRES on orders $39 or more http://www.brylanehome.com/?affiliate_id=020&affiliate_location_id=01&WT.srch=1 |
All by itself the Brylane topper felt pushy rather than cushy--not as relaxing or conducive to sleep--so I put the 1" Overstock memory foam topper over it. On top of the very firm carpeted portion of the bed the combination actually felt very nice. Firmer than my 2" 4lb memory foam topper but more substantial and cradling than the 1" visco alone. But when I moved on to the uncarpeted portion of the bed it was way too soft, and I really don't want to add even more foam to a mattress that already has more than enough soft foam as it is. I ended up taking it off the bed as I suspected I would, but I'm probably keeping it for future mattress reconstruction. I think it will make a nice middle layer sandwiched between a firm HR base layer and a top layer of memory foam. Then again, I've been wrong about Talalay before, so I might just try it out in the guest room on my old extra firm innerspring mattress before the 90 day return window closes. If I can get past 2 nights without the insideous properties of Talalay creeping up on me, then it should be fine. It really is a nice topper for the money. My guess is it falls in the 24-26 range. |
I am still airing out the Brylane Topper despite it hardly having any smell to begin with. I just know it is a blend so I want to make sure both sides over my banister have time to air out from being in that plastic bag. Now I need someone to help me put in on the bed since I no longer carry anything with weight on it for fear of hurting my back and neck even more so since the car accident. I used to have no problems doing everything myself. I will update everyone in a few days on how it feels compared to my overstock latex soft topper and how it feels over my very firm latex cores. |
I got my Carpenter Dream Coil topper today. I haven't taken it out of the package yet, but I can see through it. We're going away for the weekend, so I might give it try when we get back. My mattress has been feeling pretty darn good the past few nights, so I hate to mess with it! :) But I am curious to see how this new topper feels. |
I'm still wondering what the ILD on this thing actually is. In the 1" thickness it feels kind of soft and I had it guestimated at 24-26. However, when you double it over, or even triple it so that it approximates a 3" core, it feels much firmer than that. Closer to a 32. I'm looking forward to hearing your impressions. |
I'm looking forward to your report on the Dream Coil topper, although I have to wonder why you want to add something new when it seems like you've got the bed configured just right. Hope you had a fun weekend away! |
Hmmm... that's interesting. I wonder if we should try both of the toppers together. We slept on just one of them and it killed our backs, it was so soft. Cloud9, do you think with two it would really feel firmer? Did you try sleeping the night on the doubled-up version? |
There's also the possiblility that Talalay doesn't agree with you and the foam itself is giving you a backache. I had a horrible time with a Talalay mattress and after six weeks of torture I had to return it, so I was a little apprehensive about subjecting myself to even 1" of the stuff. All I can suggest is that since you have the two toppers give it a try. My back is so sensitive that I can tell if something is going to give me a backache after about 45 minutes. If you read or watch TV in bed that would give you a couple of hours to test out the two toppers so you can take them off before you go to bed if it seems like a bad idea. |
One of my friends helped me switch the overstock topper with the Brylane Topper under my zipped cover today. The Overstock Topper is 3/4" thick when it has no long ridge and 1" thick at each convoluted ridge under it. The Brylane Topper is 1" thick with no convolution. I will let everyone know how my sleep is tonight. I was so comfortable until the car accident now my back is so extra sensitive. |
I just got the Carpenter Dream Coil topper today. It has a REALLY strong odor (even stronger than new memory foam). It's going to have to go into the attic for a few of days to air out. I also received the latex zoned topper from Penney's. It has about a half inch of latex laminated to 1.5 inches of convoluted PU foam. It hardly smells at all (just the usual donut smell of the latex), so we may be able to try that one out tonight... Both of these foams seem kind of soft though, and I know that we like a surface more toward the supportive side with just a little give for the hips. I'm just going for the "easy return" options right now in my quest for the ultimate topper... |
Kim, the problem is that most commericially available toppers are soft because people generally are trying to make a hard or lumpy bed softer and more comfy. If you're looking for a firm topper you'll probably have to try one of the specialty stores that carry latex or HR foams in a variety of ILDs. By the way I was playing with the Brylane topper again today and I've reassessed my opinion that tripled up it felt more like a 30-32. Now I think it's a bit softer than that. Maybe more like a 26-28. |
It might be better to stop thinking too much about the ILD on the Brylanes. Assuming they were all manufactured for the bun to hit a single ILD # (say around 25) the area variation for the 1" slices probably could be anywhere from 18 to 36 (While that's a WAG, standard on a 6" slab is +/- 3, or more, so variation should really increase when sliced so thin ). They are a good deal for what probably can best be described on average as medium/medium-soft. |
Yes, that's a good point. I was coming to the same conclusion myself. I have just been afraid of ordering something from the specialty foam stores online since returning it will not be as easy as Brylane and Penney's make it. Most of the foam sources SAY you can return a topper, but the fine print reads that it has to be in the same box (into which the foam was vacuum-packed in the first place) and in pristine condition. I would have to pay return shipping and in some cases the original shipping (if it was free) as well as a restocking fee. That's IF I could get it back in the package without damaging it... 2 inches of latex (in queen size) runs around $250 on average and not having enough experience to know if, 28 ILD vs. 32 ILD will be too firm or soft or just right, it seems too risky to buy one online. I might end up going to our local foam store, which unfortunately doesn't carry latex, and buying some good quality HR foam. This message was modified Feb 19, 2008 by kimmcgov
LOL. You're right! I was just going to write here how lately my bed is feeling so good. Not sure why! And, last night was even better. We had spent two nights in a hotel this past weekend and the bed was HARD! At least it wasn't sagging like some do. But, I woke up with a stiff neck the first day and back pain the next. Last night I slept in my own bed and I never experienced such a good sleep. In fact, it cured my pain from the previous two nights at the hotel.. I still haven't taken the Dream Coil topper out of the bag. I'll probably keep it, though. I like that it's lifetime guaranteed and not supposed to go flat. I might find that I like the feel better than latex or memory foam. |
Kim, I hear you. Much as I would like a Dunlop topper after the whole SleepEZ fiasco I'm reluctant to buy anything I can't try out in person first. All those stipulations and whatnot. Forget it! I only took a chance on the Brylane topper because it was a great price, no hassle and exactly the thickness I wanted. I think you may actually like HR foam better than latex. It's nice and stable feeling. No jiggles and very supportive. But if you're trying to firm up your bed by using it as a topper, 2" may be too much. The thicker it gets the less flexible and you don't want it buckling up under your sheets. I find a half inch works best for me. I wouldn't go over 1". |
Sounds like you've finally hit on something that works! What's your combination of materials now? I had to laugh at the description of your hotel bed, I think I must have stayed at the same hotel. If I'm driving I usually bring my own pillow--cause boy do I hate those polyfil things you usually find in hotels. And if I'm flying I ask for a feather pillow at the desk. Sometimes they have one if I'm lucky. And sometimes I have a stiff neck if I'm not. Hope you had a good time anyway! |
When I used to do Internal Auditing years ago and had to sleep in hotels, I always packed my own 100% natural latex pillow since I could not sleep on those awful pillows in the hotel room. So far I like the 1" Bylane Talalay Latex Topper since I have it over a 36 ILD Natural Latex Core, over a 39 ILD Natural Latex Core over a 44 ILD Blended Latex Core over the Flobed Pine Slatbox. I sink down and feel the firmness underneath which gives me great support while getting a little cushion. I still wish my hips had just a little more firmness but my shoulders can't handle the latex any firmer or I move around too much at night like I used to before getting a latex bed. I wish my latex core underneath me was a 36 ILD for my shoulders and head with the 1" topper and on my lower back and hips, a 1" soft topper over a 40 ILD. I am thinking of cutting one of my latex cores to make it zoned. But for now, I am happy with the set up better than I had since the car accident when my back requirements changed. I also wake up with no allergies so that I am blessed. This message was modified Feb 20, 2008 by Lynn2006
My combination of materials are the same as always. No foam TOPPERS, though. And, I would say that my set-up is on the medium-firm-plush side. The Costco CuddleBed fiber topper gives it just enough down-like cushion without being so deep that it causes me to sink in. I like that the baffled boxes are small giving it a tighter feel. One thing I didn't like about my regular fiberbed and featherbed were those large baffled squares. Too mushy and the fiber/down felt like it was all over the place. The firm and medium latex layers over the firm HR PU foam and LuraFlex coils give me the support my back craves. So, all in all, it seems to be working....for NOW, at least. :) ******************************************************************* cloud9 wrote: Sounds like you've finally hit on something that works! What's your combination of materials now?</p><p>I had to laugh at the description of your hotel bed, I think I must have stayed at the same hotel. If I'm driving I usually bring my own pillow--cause boy do I hate those polyfil things you usually find in hotels. And if I'm flying I ask for a feather pillow at the desk. Sometimes they have one if I'm lucky. And sometimes I have a stiff neck if I'm not. Hope you had a good time anyway! This message was modified Feb 20, 2008 by BeddyBye
It's not so much a question of firming up the bed, as it is an issue of not having it be too soft. Sleeping on the mattress as is, my hips get pressure points. But there is enough cush in the top of the mattress to make the addition of too soft a layer hurt my back. It seems like such a fine line. My other thought about a topper is that it will hopefully protect the mattress somewhat from body impressions. I can only imagine that the foam used in this mattress is the usual cheap stuff engineered to break down in no time. A topper can bear the brunt of our weight and maybe help the mattress last longer. I am thinking a couple of thin layers of foam: one firm and one a little softer might do the trick. Is it easy to find half inch thick foam? How about a half inch of latex? Does anyone sell that? |
If you dig around enough on the net you can probably find it. Better yet, look for a foam distributor or furniture factory at a big city near you and see if they can get it for you. |
I am finding that the Brylane Topper is nice for my shoulders over very firm latex cores but is a big soft for my hips and lower back. I am going to try my 39 ILD under it tomorrow night when a friend helps me move the cores around again and report back. I wish I had a 32 ILD in 1" for my hips and lower back and the soft one for my shoulders over extra firm latex cores. |
My HR PU foam is 3/4". I know they make different foams in thin layers. Just not sure which ones. My talalay latex is 1". |
I know what you mean. It is a fine line. Although my mattress has more than enough foam to prevent me from feeling pressure points at my hips it just didn't feel cushy enough, but my much-loved 2" 4lb memory foam topper made the bed too soft and hurt my back so I had to switch to a 1" Overstock cheapo visco topper. It's all the cush this mattress can take. I've never heard of 1/2 inch latex. It would probably be so fragile it would shred when you handled it. HR foam does come in 1/2" thicknesses, but it has a completely different character than latex. If you want to experiement without spending too much money, Joanne's carries it by the yard in 24" widths. You can get just enough to slip under your current topper or mattress pad in the area you need extra padding just to see if it seems promising or not. I have to say the best materials for pressure relief are latex and visco, but they are also the materials that tend to quickly make a bed feel too soft if it already has a lot of foam in it. I'm not really sure that a topper will prevent the cheap PU foam under it from compressing. You're still putting all your body weight on top of it.
If you decide you don't like it all you have to do is put it back, it doesn't slide around, and you can always use special foam spray glue to glue it back together if you decide you need to. |
Jimsocal, that is a great idea. I sure wish I did not have that car accident since my bed was perfect for me the way I had it set up and now with the herniated disks, my back needs have changed a little bit. I am in my busy season so getting my bed right is not the right time to do this but I have to make it right for my back. I will see if my friend can help me. Thank you. By the way, I found out th Overstock Topper I was sleeping on really is 3/4" since the convulution makes it 1" so the Bylane Topper at 1" feels thicker and softer which is great for my shoulders but not for my hips. |
IIRC, LI now makes a sheet latex product which can be used by manufacturers in layering and quilting. Don't know if civilians would have access to it though. Might want to try some high end carpet pad--the good stuff used under commercial carpet. Tough stuff. Another note re: sinking in to much at hips with the Brylanes. For experimenting, at least, no reason can't make hip area 2"-3" higher than shoulders. The ILD formula is weight required to compress to 75% for given (9" dia) area, but should be able to turn concept around to: thickness required so that given hip area weight sinks to desired height (relative to shoulders). Don't worry about the legs. Single or double fold the topper under the hips and see how that works. |
The Brylane Topper is so soft that my lower back does not like it so I just switched the sides of my bed so one side has the 44 ILD on top and the other side as the 39 ILD on top. I will let everyone know how it feels tomorrow before I decide to keep it to cut it to zone it. I am wondering if Dave at FloBeds would still switch out two of my latex cores to be closer to 39 ILD rather than a little less than the 36 ILD they are supposed to be if I keep this topper. I was comfortable with the 3/4" thick Overstock Topper that was a little small for my bed and falling apart and that is why I want to like this nice soft Brylane Topper. |
I slept much better with the 1" topper over the 39 ILD latex core over the 36 ILD latex core over the 44 ILD latex core over the slat box. I still think I need the middle core to be at least 39 ILD. I may call Dave. But this was much better for me. I can't sleep on any bed any softer than this. I can definitely tell the difference with a few ILD's difference. |
The Brylane topper despite being only 1" is still too soft for the set up I thought was working since after a few nights my lower back started to really hurt. It is 1/4" thicker than my Overstock topper and I feel softer than my overstock topper. My lower back after a few nights could not handle the topper when it was over a 39 ILD latex core over a 36 ILD latex core over a 44 ILD latex core. Hence, I decided to try the 1" latex topper over the 45.2 (44 ILD that averages out to 45.2 ILD) over the 39 ILD over the 36 ILD over my slat box and it felt wonderful except I wish my shoulder area was a little bit softer. Hence, my Overstock topper felt great over the 38 ILD over the 36 ILD over the 44 ILD but for the Brylane Topper to work and be a little cushion for me, I had to put the topper over the firmest core I had on top. My other side of the bed is the same now but the top latex core under the 1" topper is a 44 ILD over a 34 ILD over a 35 ILD. I will try both sides tonight. Then I will try it with the 45.2 ILD on the bottom with the 38 ILD in the middle and the 44 ILD on top under the 1" very soft Brylane Topper since I really would like the bottom latex core to be at least a 44 ILD. I just wonder if this would then be too firm. I wish I could cut one of my latex cores so the top part near my shoulders is a 38 or 36 ILD while the lower part near my back is at a minimum a 44 ILD. All in all I love my FloBed but the 2" topper it came with was too soft for me since I am not quite 5 feet and not quite 100 lbs so I did not sink in far enough to feel the firmness underneath that I now really need due to my car accident and having 5 herniated disks as a result. I found out, I need a topper since I like a little cushion for my body parts. I do love the Brylane Topper's quality and the fact it has no glue so I am trying to make it work since my Overstock topper is ripping and fragile. The Overstock topper was not enough cushion for me over the 44 ILD latex core that I tried on top under it before ordering the Brylane topper. My shoulders needed more cushion but my lower back loved the support. Dave at FloBeds would have kept working with me on a topper but when I saw the great sale on the Brylane Topper, I thought I would try it. His last toper he sent me was 1.5" of softness that I wanted but found it was too thick for a topper for me. It was a learning experience since I am amazed at how sensitive my back has become since I got the herniated disks now from the August car accident. I didn't realize my overstock topper was 3/4" thick since they advertise it as 1" thick or I would have asked Dave for a 1" thick topper. But for the $52 I spent, I will try to make the Brylane topper work. This message was modified Mar 6, 2008 by Lynn2006
Lynn, why don't you just cut your cores up and zone them like Jim suggested so you can have a firmer core under your hip area and a softer core under your shoulders and cover them both with the 1" Brylane topper. Isn't it interesting how something so small as 1/4" makes so much difference in the way something feels? My back is really sensitive too so I know exactly what you mean. That's why I like working with 1" layers, and in some cases half inch layers. |
The Overstocks are convoluted from 2" material. The peaks are @1.25" and valleys @.75. If you "remate" the convoluted surfaces you get back to 2" at roughly original ILD (probably low 20s). The average is 1". |
Mccldwll, the particular Overstock topper I have has valley's of .75" and peaks of 1." since I measured it and when I lie on it over a 44" ILD, it was too hard of a feeling but the 1" non-convoluted Brylane Topper feels more cushiony and my hips do no sink in far enough to feel the hardness underneath or something since I can't seem to sleep wtih anything softer than a 44 ILD under my hips if I have the Bylane Topper on top. I have both here right now. Also if I am 100% sure I am keeping the Bylane Topper, I must cut the sides since it is too wide and I have it folded on the sides of the bed which maybe it making it feel different. Cloud9, I think you are right that I am going to have to zone the cores that are under my 1" topper so my hips get a lot of support and my shoulders have a little bit softer of an area. Amazing what herniated disks can do making it complicated to get the bed just right. At least I am happy I chose a bed with a zipped up cover so I can do this and make it right. I also have to move the plastic drawers I now have under my bed to a different room since they are starting to bother my allergies I think unless it is the pollen outside that is making some allergies act up. I woke up feeling good from my bed this morning except for my shoulders that wished there was just a tiny bit less hardness under them. I still think I could go a little firmer in my hips with a 44 ILD maybe at the bottom before the 38 ILD and then the 45 ILD on my hips and maybe only a 36 ILD on my shoulders before the topper. I sleep on my side on a latex pillow from Overstock. I am feeling sick this morning and hope it is not the flu trying to come on since I have too much work to do. Thanks for listening. I am trying to help others that may have herniated disks and make them feel not alone and also to share so we can all help one another. I really loved my bed with the overstock topper over the two 36 ILD's over teh 44 ILD before the car accident. But at least I am almost there now since I woke up feeling I was in a comfortable bed with just a tiny bit more adjustment needed. My other side of the bed feels too soft to me with the 34 and 35 ILD's under the 44 ILD. Amazing I am feel the difference since I am so little. |
Fold (remate) the surfaces. Remeasure. Divide by 2. |
This is what my mattress guy told me. He had given me four very thin lumbar pads to layer under my lumbar region (back before I exchanged my pocketed coils for the LuraFlex open offset springs.) I still have them in case I ever feel the need to use them. He said something as thin as these pads can really make a difference in comfort. I know his wife and she told me that she and I are a lot alike (Princess and the Pea :). So, her husband, Dan (the Mattress Man) is always helping her find just the right combination of foams and what-not. In fact, he told me that he, himself, enjoys trying out different configurations. He likes to be able to report back to customers, as well as taking advantage of all the different ways he can make his mattress feel good. And, his manager told me that after a shoulder injury he had to change his comfort layers around for awhile. I just LOVE being able to TWEAK! cloud9 wrote: Isn't it interesting how something so small as 1/4" makes so much difference in the way something feels? This message was modified Mar 7, 2008 by BeddyBye
BeddyBye & Cloud & McCldwll, What ever the reason is, the Brylane Topper is softer and thicker when I lie on it so to get the support my back needs since the car accident I had to go firmer underneath. I slept well with the approx. 45 ILD underneath me again with the 38 ILD under that and the 36 ILD under that. I tried the other side of my bed for 15 minutes in the morning and it was a little softer and bothered my lower back with the 1" topper over the 44 ILD over the 34 ILD over the 35.2 ILD. Hence, I am thinking of asking Dave if he would exchange my two softer 36 ILD's (that are averaging 24 and 35.2) for two 44 ILD's so I can put a 44 ILD on the bottom with a 36 or 38 in the middle and a Super Firm 44/45 ILD on top to and this way the topper is giving me cushion while I can then feel the support underneath. If the Overstock topper was not falling apart or if I could order another one, I would since it was very comfortable with a less firm foundation with the 38 over the 36 over the 44 ILD. I am thinking that toppers should be zoned since then I would have a 1" soft on my shoulders and a 1" medium under my hips and lower back with the combination of cores I now have. I can tell every 1 ILD from each other by pain or no pain since my car accident. I can even tell each 1/4th inch of padding. I am trying to make the Brylane Topper work out since it is difficult to find 1" toppers and I like the cushion around my shoulders. Dave had told me he would allow me more time past the 90 days since I had the car accident so I will see if he would do this for me. I wish the 44 ILD blended would be the same depth as the 36 ILD natural Talalay Latex core since then I would only ask for one 44 ILD to try out my side with the 44 on the bottom and on the top with the 36 in between. I like both sides of my bed to be even and the same height. P.S. I had to edit a spelling error I caught since my fingers missed a key. I really wish this site would have a spell check. :) This message was modified Mar 8, 2008 by Lynn2006
Lynne, a couple of places online sell 1 inch latex toppers. SleepLikeaBear for example, sells them in just about every ILD that Latex International makes. You could just get a twin size 1 inch topper in 28 or 32 ILD and lay it ACROSS your bed in the hip area with strips cut from the Brylane topper for your shoulders and legs. Do you think that would work? |
KimMCGov, I had no idea that other places sold 1" Latex Toppers. I will look into the Sleeplikeabear site. Thank you for this information. Maybe that is what I need to do is to zone the topper so my back has less softness under it but my shoulders and legs have the cushion I like. My throat is still hurting a lot so it is difficult to work but I am doing my best to get work done tonight so tomorrow after a good night's sleep, I will look into that site. Again,thank you for thinking of me. |
Lynn, I hope you are feeling better. This site also sells 1 inch (or, specifically .9 inch) latex toppers: http://www.sleeptastic.com It seems that since you are so sensitive to small differences in firmness and thickness, zoning could be just what you need. |
kimmcgov, I checked out both sites you gave me and they both have what I would need with the second site having better prices and more ILD choices for the size topper I want. Thank you for these two great sites. I am also thinking of discussing this with Dave to see if he can create a zoned topper for me or has any suggestions. I am thinking now that I need a .9" 32 ILD and that the soft topper I thought I needed from Brylane is too soft. I rearranged my layers since I was sick and throwing up until 4:30 AM and could not sleep. I tried the very soft 1" topper over the 44 ILD over the 45 ILD over the 39 ILD and I woke up with terrible lower back pain. I had no back pain with the Overstock topper over the 39 over the 36 over the 45 but that topper is falling apart from sleeping on it on the floor for a few months and from letting a guest use it and from the abuse of taking it on and off the bed and it is a little bit small for the bed so I know it will not last so I was trying to find new topper. I think with my back injury now, my back is not the same and I am thinking of trying the 39 ILD over the 44 ILD over the 45 tILD onight with the 1" topper. If it is too soft, I may order a 32 ILD topper and try that. If I need zoning, I can put the soft Brylane topper near my shoulders and head and the rest of me will get part of the 32 ILD topper. I am now thinking toppers should be zonned under zipped up mattresses. Also since I am sick maybe that is adding to the pain. I think I have the flu and I actually had clients here signing papers late this afternoon but could not work before that I was so sick. I am going to try to do some easy client returns if I can but if I can't I may have to lie down. Before the car accident, I was so comfortable in my bed and now everything bothers my back. Even my car that has excellent lumbar support sometimes causes me pain. This message was modified Mar 9, 2008 by Lynn2006
Last night I slept with the 1" topper over the 39 ILD over the 44 ILD over the 45 ILD and I slept well. I will try this out for a few nights. If it does not work out, then I will first see if I can sleep with a 34 ILD over a 35 ILD over a 44 ILD (by rearranging my latex cores from the other side of my bed) with no topper. Then I will decide what topper I need if I need a topper. I wish I never was hit from behind at the red light. |
Another night of having a comfortable bed all night with my 1" topper over the 39 ILD over the 44 ILD over the 45 ILD. I will try this out for a few more nights and then I will know for sure what is good for me. I still would like if my hips had a tiny bit less cushion but my shoulders like the cushion a lot and I did not wake up with back pain. In fact the back pain I had when I went to bed was gone in the morning. From the car accident, I now get back pain during the day from pinching nerves from my herniated disks. So to wake up with no back pain is wonderful. This message was modified Mar 12, 2008 by Lynn2006
Lynn, it sounds like you are really close. It's a great sign that your back feels better when you wake up than it did before you went to sleep. Have you tried adding something under your hips between the Brylane topper and the mattress cores to make it ever so slightly firmer there? Maybe a really thin (like one quarter inch) piece of closed cell foam just to add a hair more support. I'm not sure what is out there that you won't be allergic to though. Maybe someone else has an idea. I hope you can kick that cold soon. - Kim |