Buying a Floor Model Mattress
Feb 21, 2008 6:25 PM
Joined: Feb 21, 2008
Points: 2
I'd recently made a purchase for a bed frame, mattress and box spring from Wickes Furniture. They went bankrupt and so they're out of the mattress that I placed an order for. After trying over over 30 mattress', I realized that I REALLY liked the one I chose. Here's the problem: They ran out of the mattress at the warehouse and so I'm not getting the one I really liked. They offered no other explanation really so I tried to see if I can find the exact one myself. Result: I couldn't. The only place that seems to have them is Wickes and it's a floor model.

And now my very important question: I don't feel as if I'm being too anal about this, but a few others do. I'm convinced that it's seriously half-witted to buy a mattress that people TRY day IN and day OUT ---every single day--- for who knows how many week? Years? The germs from every human and their household germs are on that bed. And then to know all of that and purchase that mattress that I'll be sleeping on just to get 20% off? I don't know. I highly, highly doubt I'll be purchasing it any time soon but thought I'd get the opinions of those who aren't in this crazy circle of mine.

Any thoughts, comments, opinions would be greatly, greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
Re: Buying a Floor Model Mattress
Reply #1 Feb 22, 2008 12:56 AM
Joined: Sep 7, 2007
Points: 476
Some people don't have a problem with floor model bedding but I would. I just think of all the sweaty people lying all over the mattress with their shoes on that have visited restrooms everywhere and walked through God knows what and frankly, it just grossed me out thinking about it when I was mattress shopping. 

Walk away!

If you buy that or any other mattress from a company that has gone bankrupt not only are you on your own getting a mattress back to the factory if there is a warranty issue. The store won't be there to handle it for you. Also, unless you leave the store with your mattress there is always the chance that you won't even get it at all.

Just console yourself with the knowledge that even though you liked the way it felt in the store, chances are, like most mattresses sold today, it won't feel that way for very long, and in a few years you'll be complaining about what a sagging piece of crap it is.

Re: Buying a Floor Model Mattress
Reply #2 Feb 22, 2008 1:19 AM
Joined: Feb 21, 2008
Points: 2
Thanks for the help, man. :) Good points all around, for sure. I'm just going to "test drive" another 30 er...80 mattress' again (somewhere other than Wickes - 'cause you're right, who knows if they'll even deliver) to see if I can find one I like.

On a similar note, the bed frame I bought is a queen-sized frame, do you know if any queen-sized bed and box spring would fit or do the sizes all run different?
Re: Buying a Floor Model Mattress
Reply #3 Feb 24, 2008 1:03 AM
Joined: Sep 7, 2007
Points: 476
A standard queen size mattress is 60 X 80. A queen size bed frame should fit any queen size mattress.

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