Buying "scuff and mark" matresses for 60-70% off.. and getting up to 10 exchanges for $69 each!
Sep 13, 2010 3:10 AM
Joined: Dec 11, 2009
Points: 113
Hi folks.  While I am back to custom DIY mattress through mattress surgery with a breakthrough for lower back sufferers to report, I am here to share my experience with buying really cheap from deep discounters offering "scuff and dirt mark" mattresses that they buy from the retailers and sell really cheap.  In the range of 40-70% (60-70% off)  retail.

About two years ago I discovered a local ( one mile from my house, by chance!) mattress warehouse seller by looking on craigslist under queen mattress.  Look for them in your local craigslist.. and for those not familiar with craigslist, the web address for each locale is as follows:   You then enter "queen mattress" in the search bar and it will list the free advertisements that craigslist offers.

I bought and exchanged ten mattresses from one very nice warehouse mattress store owner before giving up.  His delivery fee was $69, and after the first mattress didn't work for me, I asked if he would accommodate and exchange for the delivery fee.  It probably helped that I was only a mile away and he needed the money in today's economy.  When the 11th mattress didnt' work and I was pursuing

A second wholesaler just the last couple of days allowed me at least one exchange... would probably accept more... with a 10% restocking fee.  I was delivering myself by tieing on top of my SUV this time. This time I bought a Sealy Posturepedic Reserve and Simmons Beautyrest World Class for $470 each, including tax.... plus the restocking fee of 10%.  Today, I will try to get him to accept the second one back with a $100 restocking fee.  Last year the other guy took the last one back with a 50% restocking fee.  I owed that to him after 1o exchanges.

Most dirt marks and stains come right out with Resolve Triple Oxi spray Carpet Cleaner in a red Squirt bottle.

Good luck,


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