can the Costco cuddle bed serve as my mattress cover for a DIY latex bed, or do I need terrycloth or more "finished" cover?
Mar 4, 2009 6:29 PM
Joined: Feb 26, 2009
Points: 17
Do I need the terrycloth covers you can buy, or will the foam layers (6" king base and 4 seperate 1" king toppers layered to our liking) stay put with just the cuddle bed?  Doesn't it go around the bottom edges, and won't the latex be OK sitting directly on the flat frame?  I could always place a clothe layer between it and the base, but I want to try the cuddle bed anyway, and that should hide the foam visually.  Sheets cover it all anyway.

 SleepEZ sell the same cover they use in their mattresses for $249, a terrycloth cover is $80, but if I have the cuddle bed anyway, do I need more?

And whats the deal with terrycloth anyway, is it just cheap and comfortable?  Would I even feel the difference with a cuddle bed?  Would I ever need the expense of the SleepEZ, which looks very finished (just like a store bought mattress), if I use the cuddle bed, or is it just a nice touch?
This message was modified Mar 4, 2009 by jeffandpamsmith
Re: can the Costco cuddle bed serve as my mattress cover for a DIY latex bed, or do I need terrycloth or more "finished" cover?
Reply #1 Mar 4, 2009 9:14 PM
Location: Oregon
Joined: Oct 25, 2008
Points: 130
Technically, no you would not need anything more than the Cuddle Bed mattress cover, it would work.  I doubt it would even move around much. But you are going to be spending approx $1000 on the latex and you will want it protected, so for practical purposes, you really do want a cover.   Your proposal would also be a little more vulnerable in the 1" thick sizes you are going with.  Latex is a fragile product ...  You could buy the terrycloth topper from FBM for a $20 upcharge when you buy the 6" piece. They give you the standard cover with the purchase but it does not have a full zipper and you do want that for ease of configuration.  The terrycloth cover is nice and does have a full zipper for ease of use.  One important thing though, it says it will fit 8" worth of material.... I have that much in mine and could get another inch in it but I think 10" would be pushing it.  Maybe someone here has that much latex in their FBM terrycloth mattress cover and could tell if that would work or not.

Another product I found was an inexpensive cotton mattress cover from  I got a spare from them which I haven't used yet for approx $20 shipped. This would also work as a low-cost cover for your setup. Bottom line - yes you do want some sort of mattress cover for the latex.


This message was modified Mar 5, 2009 by BillB
Re: can the Costco cuddle bed serve as my mattress cover for a DIY latex bed, or do I need terrycloth or more "finished" cover?
Reply #2 Mar 5, 2009 6:18 AM
Joined: Feb 26, 2009
Points: 17
Thanks for the quick answers.  FBM doesn't give you (or at least me) the standard striped cover big enough to fit all the layers, just the 6" base. If I wanted 10" I either had to buy the 10" striped one for full price, or order a 10" terrycloth from SleepEZ for $80.  I'll definetely take your advice and cover it with something, but would like to at least wait till I have my sizes decided.  I'll jury rig something for now keeping the fragility in mind until we decide on the arrangement of layers.  I may not need all 4" of topper, plus I may look at just putting the topper over a good coil springs from Original Mattress Factory (depends on what suits Pam best) and just cover the topper. 

Then there's the posibility of ordering a nice "real" mattress cover from Shaun at SleepEZ for $250, but that would mainly be to make Pam think the job was more professonal (assuming the terrycloth is just as protective and functional, I'd rather do that as the cover only shows when changing sheets).

edit: just ordered the cover from satin place, thanks, that's good for now for just $20.

BTW, FBM said after I found my ideal, it would be good to use a light coating of spray contact cement to keep the layers together ('course then no more adjusting).
This message was modified Mar 5, 2009 by jeffandpamsmith
Re: can the Costco cuddle bed serve as my mattress cover for a DIY latex bed, or do I need terrycloth or more "finished" cover?
Reply #3 Mar 5, 2009 9:45 AM
Joined: May 3, 2008
Points: 827
Note that the Cuddlebed is 1" polyester filling. So it could change things on your mattress. I have had one for probably 6 months. I think I am removing mine for a while, it adds to much fluff, and I am having trouble with the latex hurting my back. Not sure if it is the 1 3/4" Overstock latex, the 1" Natura Brylane latex layer, or 1" memory foam (3 lb.) or the cuddlebed. I am removing all but the Overstock latex and a blanket and the sheet.

So what works for one, does not work for another. I am super finicky on feeling what is on the bed. Good luck. For me (after my experience) less is better. If you are careful with the latex it won't tear, unless it is 1" and soft latex it will tear easily.

Edit: I see you ordered a thin cover for now (no fluff), probably a good choice. Let us know how it goes for you :-)
This message was modified Mar 5, 2009 by Leo3
Re: can the Costco cuddle bed serve as my mattress cover for a DIY latex bed, or do I need terrycloth or more "finished" cover?
Reply #4 Mar 6, 2009 1:13 AM
Joined: Sep 7, 2007
Points: 476
You can use any standard mattress pad with elastic sides to hold your layers in place-- it doesn't have to be the cuddle bed. Just make sure it's deep enough to cover everything. Pads tend to run skimpier than the depth stated on the bag so go with one that is well over you actual mattress height.

However, I agree with Bill. The latex itself is an investment and it is very fragile and light sensitive. You should protect it with something other than a mattress pad. The SleepEZ cover is very nicely made. It makes your DIY mattress look completely professional and the zipper makes it easy to open it up like a suitcase and shuffle things around inside. But if you hunt around on this Forum you'll  see that some people have thought the cotton non-stretch material makes the mattress feel hard or taut or interferes with the feel of the latex. I found the cover comfortable enough (although I had big problems with the contents.) Terrycloth is thinner and stretchier than a quilted cotton mattress cover padded with 1" of wool. It will allow you to feel the latex more directly, but this can also make the mattress feel warmer. It really depends on what kind of sensation you prefer.

If you get the cover that just holds the basic core and want something to protect the toppers, has zippered cotton featherbed covers that are 2" deep. You can slip a couple of 1" toppers inside, place them over the 6" core and then hold everything in place with a mattress pad.

Re: can the Costco cuddle bed serve as my mattress cover for a DIY latex bed, or do I need terrycloth or more "finished" cover?
Reply #5 Mar 6, 2009 6:58 AM
Joined: Feb 26, 2009
Points: 17
My supplies should start arriving next week, I'll let you know.  So far, the "covers" etc. as so cheap, I can either return or toss them out if I want terrycloth or SleepEZ later. 

I've also checked out basic firm, well made coil springs as a base under the latex topper layers, as some here think that's the winning combo.

PS - for Imjay, I am replacing a waterbed, and actually ordered a high end bladder for under the latex, but that will be my last resort, as I couldn't send it back once its filled.  Pam wants to go away from the box may never get opened.

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