Can't Decide! Plus, Budget Constraints.
Mar 13, 2010 7:42 PM
Joined: Mar 14, 2010
Points: 185
I think I want a latex mattress, and thanks to this forum I've learned about FloBeds, SleepEZ and FoamByMail. Unfortunately, there is no retailer nearby that sells all latex, so I can't be certain it is what I want and hopefully I won't be making a huge mistake.

I've configured several beds at both FloBeds and SleepEZ, but they are all a bit beyond my budget (even the twin size, which is what I'd be buying). Add in the foundation, feet or frame, and.... no go.

So I'm considering FoamByMail, but I'm not sure of the best way to build those beds. A 6 inch mattress with a topper or two? Or a couple-three 3" toppers?

I'm thinking maybe I can find a twin futon or platform bed frame somewhere.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Can't Decide! Plus, Budget Constraints.
Reply #13 Mar 19, 2010 6:58 AM
Joined: Aug 21, 2009
Points: 486
Before I bought my latex mattress from Flobeds, I tried some in different stores, and some did have that bouncy, springy feel, and I loved it.

But when I got my Flobed, it does not have that feel.  it actually feels firm, with just enough resiliency to give in the places it needs to give.  It feels more like . . . lying on jello, if you can imagine pressing your finger onto a cup of jello.  The jello is firm, but it gives a little to your finger pressure.  Take your finger away, and it springs back up.

My Flobed is firm.  My current configuration is F/XF/XF (I keep forgetting what the fimr layer is, but the xfirm is 36 ILD) and hubby's side is currently XF/XF/XF.

This message was modified Mar 19, 2010 by KimberlyH
Re: Can't Decide! Plus, Budget Constraints.
Reply #14 Mar 19, 2010 7:13 AM
Joined: Jan 18, 2010
Points: 143
cynicaljones wrote:

I have another question, then, about latex. Is the "bouncy, springy" quality less noticible the softer or firmer you go? Is that feel affected by the thickness of the latex pieces?

I've found (through the different configurations I've tried with 3" natural latex), that the softer latex is more bouncy than the firmer. I really like the bounce. smiley

Re: Can't Decide! Plus, Budget Constraints.
Reply #15 Mar 19, 2010 9:51 AM
Joined: Jan 18, 2010
Points: 143
"Too bad someone doesn't sell toppers or latex component layers with a return or exchange policy..."


When I was looking for a latex topper last year I had a wonderful phone experience  with Sleep Like a Bear.

Their return policy page:

Hope this is useful to someone,


Re: Can't Decide! Plus, Budget Constraints.
Reply #16 Mar 19, 2010 6:09 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
Natalia wrote:

"Too bad someone doesn't sell toppers or latex component layers with a return or exchange policy..."


When I was looking for a latex topper last year I had a wonderful phone experience  with Sleep Like a Bear.

Their return policy page:

Hope this is useful to someone,


That sounds pretty good Natalia, but I wanted to emphasize that one should check with them before buying, in order to make sure that particular product is included in their Satisfaction Guaranteed policy. They write:

"Note that our Hassle-Free Money-Back Satisfaction Guarantee may not apply to all of our products and may vary depending on the product. You must check the specifics of the product before purchasing it. Please contact us if you have any question regarding the product,"

So, as long as one checks with them ahead of time, to see if the product is covered in the Guarantee, that sounds good.

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