C&C Mattress and Sealy - AVOID
Feb 11, 2009 1:48 AM
Joined: Feb 11, 2009
Points: 64

We payed over $2000 for a new Sealy latex mattress. Bought it from "C&C Mattress". Found out this company is run by some shady New Jersey character named "Pete" Cancelli. This guy pitches himself as the so called "mattress expert" and someone you can trust in the slimy mattress business. They sent us a mattress with a gaping opening that we discovered once it was removed from the packaging. The outer packaging was perfect so it was obviously packaged and sent with a pre-existing defect. We sent pictures of the hole to "Pete" Cancelli, the owner of C&C Mattress whereupon he blamed Sealy saying the hole is an obvious factory defect, that it's Sealy's fault and refused to address our problem. We contacted Sealy and they rudely said, "Not our problem, you need to take it up with "C&C Mattress", the store you purchased it from". Now, after spending over $2000, we are stuck with a mattress that is falling apart.
Both Sealy and C&C Mattress in New Jersey refuse to help us and continue to point the finger at each other.

Re: C&C Mattress and Sealy - AVOID
Reply #1 Feb 11, 2009 11:24 AM
Location: Yosemite area
Joined: Sep 10, 2008
Points: 249
I have read his column(writes for a newspaper) and he seems to know what is inside about every mattress made anywhere.  He was able to tell me what springs were inside a mattress I slept on in a hotel, which I loved.  Even tho he offers to send them across the country without sales tax, I was never tempted to order a mattress sight unseen.  I am so sorry that happened...that is atrocious!  I'd contact the Better Business Bureau and also take him to small claims court.  You'll win.
Just goes to show that everyone can be whatever/whoever they want to be on the internet.  Sad world.
Re: C&C Mattress and Sealy - AVOID
Reply #2 Feb 11, 2009 3:22 PM
Joined: Jan 19, 2009
Points: 64
Let me get this straight.  You bought a mattress from someone with an Italian name in Jersey??  Is the full name Pete (sleep-with-the-fishes) Cancelli?

In seriousness, what a shame - to us, two grand is a LOT of money.

Did the mattress ship from a Jersey business location or straight from Sealy which would make Mister Pete just a middleman?

Also, what about the Sealy warranty.  Do the Ts & Cs of the warranty specify that you can only invoke the warranty through the retail seller that you bought the mattress from?  You clearly have a warranty issue - maybe instead of telling Sealy it arrived damaged you can say after you slept on it this big gaping opening appeared?

Even if Sealy will take the mattress back for warranty inspection I imagine you will have to eat the cost of shipping and I imagine latex mattress weight is considerable and you shipping cost to be substantial.

I've never minded buying our waterbed mattresses via the internet from distant and virtually unknown merchants but furniture or "real" bedding components (or electronics and a lot of other stuff) I would only buy from a nearby brick and mortar store.

Best of Luck

Re: C&C Mattress and Sealy - AVOID
Reply #3 Feb 11, 2009 5:49 PM
Joined: Feb 11, 2009
Points: 64
Thanks for your thoughts and suggestions. I guess I fell for Pete Cancelli's pitch.  We were taken in by his claims that he was different, that he could be trusted. But on second thought, that's the claim made by everyone who is "selling" something.  He's just another infomercial on the web.

I went back and looked closer at his website. The following conflicting assertions were taken directly from C&C Mattress website:

Refunds are not available for any reason, once the mattress has been delivered and the packaging has been opened

As you can see, they tell you the mattress must be inspected. But then they warn you not to open the packaging. Now they are fully aware the mattress is double wrappped in thick plastic inside a cardboard box. How do they expect you to inspect the product without opening the box and plastic. Do we need an x-ray machine in order to comply with C&C Mattress. If you open the packaging you get no refund.

*** We did ask to inspect the mattress when it arrived but the delivery men told said we could not open the box.

Re: C&C Mattress and Sealy - AVOID
Reply #4 Feb 11, 2009 7:03 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793

Please Swallow, file a Better Business Report on C this mattress place that did you wrong to see if the BBB in NJ will help you get your money back.  If this does not work, I would see if you can find a lawyer to represent you but it may be difficult to do on an contingent basis (I know this since a small windows blind company committed fraud against me and I had to defend myself... I won but I should have counter sued for fraud like the other person being sued with me did and won.... my case was finally dismissed after I lost so much money defending myself over 2 years).   New Jersey has strict laws on selling products that must perform as a product should and apparently your mattress did not.  Please keep us updated. I am so sorry that you are going through this. 

Re: C&C Mattress and Sealy - AVOID
Reply #5 Feb 12, 2009 3:11 AM
Joined: Nov 19, 2008
Points: 53

So sorry about this awful experience. In addition to the BBB, you could probably file a claim through small claims court without incurring the cost of a lawyer.  I also recommend writing a letter to C&C with a copy to Sealy pointing out the contradictory information in the exchange policy as you described it to us, documenting your prior phone conversations.  Include photos of the box and mattress to support your claim. Keep a paper trail.  Tell him that if you do not get a satisfactory response within XX days, you will file a lawsuit and write about your experience over the internet (this forum, epinions, etc.)  When I first started reading his web site (the discussion forum, not the store) I found him to be informative but there was something about it that didn't seem right. He always pushing that Sealy beachside model (or whatever it's called) and he's clearily trying to steer people to his store. Good luck and let us know how this turns out.

Re: C&C Mattress and Sealy - AVOID
Reply #6 Feb 12, 2009 11:24 AM
Joined: Feb 2, 2009
Points: 30
I'm sorry this happened to you. I'd definitely "put the screws" to both C&C and Sealy. Threaten to file with the BBB (for C&C AND Sealy) if your problem is not resolved within X days. Also threaten small claims court.

Also, being that a fair portion of C&C's business comes to them via the internet and the "Mattress blog", threaten to spread your story far and wide on the internet if it's not resolved.

Having to resort to threats is unfortunate, but it's fair game given how you've been mistreated, and it often does work.
This message was modified Feb 12, 2009 by slantedview
Re: C&C Mattress and Sealy - AVOID
Reply #7 Feb 12, 2009 1:29 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
I would send C&C Mattress and Sealy both a copy of these posts to show them that others know their bad tactics and we are all waiting to see a justice prevail and money returned to Swallow for selling him a mattress that he says was unfit to sleep on.   If they do not do anything to right this wrong, then I would threaten to report them to the BBB and take them to small claims court.  Please keep us updated. I am sorry that you have to go through all this stress of just wanting to buy a comfortable mattress.
Re: C&C Mattress and Sealy - AVOID
Reply #8 Feb 12, 2009 6:07 PM
Joined: May 3, 2008
Points: 827
Did you post your letter at his website http://blog.pennlive.com/mattress/about.html

Good luck.
Re: C&C Mattress and Sealy - AVOID
Reply #9 Feb 15, 2009 6:49 AM
Location: Oregon
Joined: Oct 25, 2008
Points: 130
I have read this guy's blog, and even sent him a question once which he answered.... he seems to be fairly upfront in his blog and I notice him steering people away from Pillowtops, which is a good thing for a mattress seller.  I do notice he seems to point people toward the Sealy Spring Free mattresses (which he justs happens to sell :) :).

What are some other opinions on his store? Has anyone here other than the OP bought anything from him and had a problem?

Re: C&C Mattress and Sealy - AVOID
Reply #10 Feb 20, 2009 12:02 PM
Joined: Feb 11, 2009
Points: 64
I read a complaint about Cancelli refusing to post any complaints on his blog. If you go to his website he states conflicting policies. For example he states he will refuse to replace or refund a product if the customer opens the box. Then on the same page he insists customers inspect what he sends. Sounds like he covers himself either way.

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