closest firmness to a sealy posturepedic signature firm, foam style
Nov 25, 2009 12:06 AM
Joined: Nov 25, 2009
Points: 93
I'm trying to get on board the latex bandwaggon, though i keep ending back at square one- defaulting back to another sealy posturepedic firm that will surely crater again within a few years- if i can't arrive at a more confident decision about which latex mattress to buy.  that they are sight unseen, off the internet, isn't helping.  The conventional mattress I like, sealy's signature firm (or a s&f ultra firm), the springs are topped with more "marvelux" layers than anything else, but I hesitate to order raw conventional "lux" foam (assuming it's similar) to use as a base as you guys do for your d.i.y. projects, because I fear the stench.

since latex ild's aren't very consistent when compared across vulcanization techniques, or even with the same process across different companies, I can't really depend on that as an objective measure.  apparently no more reliable than terms like "natural" vs. "organic" vs. "botanical" in this industry.  So I am looking for what anyone with experience would recommend in latex to someone who likes the very firmest conventional mattresses (they rarely even have them in the showroom, just up to cushion firm).  You might wonder why I would consider latex at all in that case, but obviously the durability/longevity of latex would appeal to anyone, & I really did like the FEEL of the only latex models i tried (ashley house brand), only imagining if that same feel could be firmed up alot (assuming those are not opposing concepts).  I like that springy feeling and consistent support, which makes me want to try a much firmer version of it. Of course ashley's pamphlet didn't list their ILD's, so I don't even know what my starting point is.  b.t.w. ashley's is only a few inches of latex topper over conventional foam, so I might be liking all the conventional foam underneath more than anything, i just don't know.  i have no experience with raw blocks of any type of foam.

Supposedly the conventional spring mattresses I prefer are almost like sleeping on a carpeted floor ("comfort rating" of 2.5 on 1-10 scale), and maybe it is that way to someone alot lighter.  But even the firmest ones give plenty under me.  I just don't like to sink in THROUGH top layers, like with memory foam (eliminated), or any kind of pillowtops (obviously eliminated).

My criteria:

1.  FIrmest latex, as close to the level of the ultra firm conventional mattresses as possible.  this has me looking to the brands that advertise 44 ild, but I don't know that the likes of foamorder's or sleep/bears' 44 ild's will necessarily be firmer than other brands with lower ratings.

1a.  No smell/stench.  apparently that will be as natural as possible, best washed, with the least chemicals- why the habitat botanical speel kind of sucked me in, but I've read too many reviews from big guys who bottom out on their 6" version, and that's their firmest.  ild in mid 20's.

3.  Price.  i'm looking at the lower end brands here (even the conventional sealy signature firm set will be pushing my budget right now), but i am willing to splurge maybe a little more on what is becoming a medical necessity.  I'm currently sleeping on the very edges of my sealy firm (still under "warranty"!) to keep my back supported well enough. but imagining what the markup is on these blocks of raw foam, maybe it is just a coincidence that the range of popular latex match the price structure of conventional mattresses. though i realize manufacturers' costs are irrelevant vs. what people are willing to pay for something. and either way, if it lasts longer than my innerspring mattresses, & if i sleep well on it, i'll try not to care what the markup is/

4. quality outside of durability, firmness, & being odor free, I don't care about finish, imperfections in the foam (eg with dunlop vs. talalay) that i won't FEEL, what the foam looks like, beveling/faux fluting etc. carved into the edges, embroidery on the cover (though a heavy duty zipper & a cover that FITS would be nice). 

5. simplicity.  i'd rather not have to put together alot of loose components, especially not from different sellers or too much d.i.y.  i'd rather not get the one whose layers you have to shuffle, rotate, flip every four months, & finding a cover that will fit a frankenbed without being too loose etc.  but if i have to sacrifice any of these requirements, simplicity is my lowest priority.  i have not ruled out getting as firm a 6" +core as i can find, then experimenting with toppers.  if i KNEW the smell would go away, and that i could stomach it in the meantime, i'd just go for a block of that 55 ild hiqh quality conventional lux foam, and nice firm latex topper.  finding a cover, even if I have to buy, try, & return a couple, wont' be as expensive or difficult as shipping a hundred pounds of FOAM (not even going to do that, which is another reason why i don't want to spend thousands on foam- what i buy, i'm keeping).

Any suggestions or recommendations appreciated.

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