Consdiering a Tempur-Pedic need advice
May 5, 2012 1:01 PM
Joined: May 3, 2012
Points: 7
I think I have tempur-pedic after trying most of them out. I have narrowed my decision down to 2 or 3 of them. I am looking at the Allura, clould luxe, and grand bed. I don't think I am going to go with the grand bed because it feels a bit too firm and it's the most expensive.

Anyhow I currently have a pillow top spring mattress that I had since 2004 and it has been sagging for a while espically the pillow top, so it is time for a change. I know tempur-pedics come with a high price tag which I am willing to invest in. If I make the leap would there be any reason why I would want to change? Am I going to feel like it's a new bed every night? The mattress sales people are telling me it will improve my health. One person says they don't need an alarm clock anymore and they just wake up because they are so rested. I know they come with a great warranry and 90 day trial period. I just hope they last as long as they claim.

Now my bedroom set is a platform bed with wood slats. Tempur-Pedic sells a low profile flat surface foundation that goes over the wood slats. Do I need that? I have heard mixed reviews. Some people saying putting the mattress on the slats alone wont work properly others are saying I should be fine.

As for mattress protector can I use any mattress protector or is it recommened to buy the one from tempur-pediuc or one specfially made for their beds? How about sheets do they fit snug? I have read they come off easily? I want them to fit properly. The mattresses I am considering are roughly 13" in thickness not sure if I need deep pocket sheets or not?

I am going to deal with my current mattress until I decide which tempur-pedic to purchase as I want to pay for it up front and don't want to finance it either. So that will give me some time to make my decision.


I would appreciate it if anyone could respond to the above questions and help me out.



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