Considering Foam Mattress - Is Tempurpedic Worth the Price Premium?
Nov 1, 2009 1:00 PM
Joined: Nov 1, 2009
Points: 1
I've been doing research in person and on this site into various types of mattresses. Based on my brief, real-world tests, I really like the feeling and promise of foam mattresses. I spent a few nights on a very cheap one in a rental condo this summer and even liked the way that one felt. Now i'm looking into various options and have found the 13" Ara from Costco at around $1400 (king), which seems to represent a great value. Of the Tempurpedic models, the one I liked best is the Rhapsody which costs $3300 (mattress only, king).

I'm really struggling with the price premium for a Tempurpedic. Is it any better? If so, is *that* much better than the Costco mode, and howl? Yes, I know some of this is subjective, but there must be objective reasons to justify the price premium, or at least for me to be willing to pay it ;).

I realize this is somewhat of a recurring question, but I haven't found a direct comparison made in another thread. Thanks in advance for your help.

Re: Considering Foam Mattress - Is Tempurpedic Worth the Price Premium?
Reply #1 Nov 1, 2009 1:23 PM
Joined: Oct 15, 2009
Points: 966
Hi, I actually tried the 14&quot; model (Celeste) from Costco (by the same manufacturer). I thought it was a pretty high quality product. It felt very lush and supportive. I don't remember getting overly hot, and I am sensitive to that.<BR><BR>However, it was too firm for me. With only 2&quot; of memory foam and 2&quot; if latex, I could feel the base level which was pretty firm. And at 14&quot; I did not want to add any more layers to make it even taller. It is possible the base level would have softened up a bit over time, but I did not want to take the chance on that. I would have designed it a bit different with less base and 1-2&quot; more memory foam or latex on top. So, I ended up returning it for 100% back. Maybe Tempurpedic uses better foam at the base level? Not sure. I think I would have preferred the Tempurpedic Allura over the Celeste, but I never slept on the Allura so not totally sure. <BR><BR>The 13&quot; model will definitelty be softer, since I believe it has 6&quot; of memory foam? I was a little worried that I might sink in too much in the 13&quot; model, but I never tried it. After trying the 14&quot; I probably would have preferred the 13&quot;. So, if you like a real firm bed Ara may not be right. But if you like it on the softer side it might be a good fit.<BR><BR>I can't say how it will last over time. Tempurpedic may have better quality foam in terms of long-term perfomance, but you pay a lot for that.<BR><BR>I also considered getting the 10&quot; model. Which might be too firm, but I figured I could add and inch or 2 on that if necessary. I think it has 4 lb. memory foam, so not quite as good. <BR><BR>At least with Costo you can return for 100%. I did that with no problem. They delivered the mattress and picked up the return for free.
This message was modified Nov 1, 2009 by sandman
Re: Considering Foam Mattress - Is Tempurpedic Worth the Price Premium?
Reply #2 Nov 1, 2009 1:57 PM
Joined: Aug 21, 2009
Points: 486
Actually I believe the $3300 is for the mattress plus foundation.  I shopped Tempurpedics and was looking at that model.

I can't speak from personal experience, but after doing a lot of online research, the comments I have heard over and over is that the tempurpedic memory foam is superior to other brands of memory foam, will be more durable, and will not develop soft spots or indentations like other memory foams might.

Again, I don't own one and I ended up buying a latex bed, but if I had gone memory foam I would have paid the premium for the Tempurpedic.
Re: Considering Foam Mattress - Is Tempurpedic Worth the Price Premium?
Reply #3 Nov 3, 2009 4:08 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
This is just my opinion so take it with a grain of salt.
Tempurpedic does seem to be the best type of memory foam. It's apparently patented and no one else has foam that is quite as good at adjusting to body heat.
That said, my wife and I tried one and found it to soften up a lot within a week or two and by the end of 3 weeks or so we had to send it back. Cost us $100 or so to return it but that was better than being stuck with it.

Some people do like them, but my theory is that most people who like them have no back issues and can sleep on about anything. I could be wrong on that.

The good thing is that I think both CostCo and Tempurpedic will let you have a sleep trial and then return the mattress if you don't like it, so you don't have too much to lose.

I'd try the CostCo first because it at least has latex with it and only 2" of memory foam (I think that's what someone wrote, right?) so it might work out.

If you don't like that then you can try the Tempurpedic. My guess is you won't like either of them if you have any back issues.
Re: Considering Foam Mattress - Is Tempurpedic Worth the Price Premium?
Reply #4 Jan 23, 2010 1:02 PM
Joined: Jan 23, 2010
Points: 64
did you buy that ARA mattress from costco? how did it work for you?  thanks.
This message was modified Jan 23, 2010 by lowbacpain
Re: Considering Foam Mattress - Is Tempurpedic Worth the Price Premium?
Reply #5 Jan 23, 2010 2:59 PM
Joined: Dec 17, 2009
Points: 850
jimsocal wrote:
This is just my opinion so take it with a grain of salt.
Tempurpedic does seem to be the best type of memory foam. It's apparently patented and no one else has foam that is quite as good at adjusting to body heat.
That said, my wife and I tried one and found it to soften up a lot within a week or two and by the end of 3 weeks or so we had to send it back. Cost us $100 or so to return it but that was better than being stuck with it.

Some people do like them, but my theory is that most people who like them have no back issues and can sleep on about anything. I could be wrong on that.

The good thing is that I think both CostCo and Tempurpedic will let you have a sleep trial and then return the mattress if you don't like it, so you don't have too much to lose.

I'd try the CostCo first because it at least has latex with it and only 2" of memory foam (I think that's what someone wrote, right?) so it might work out.

If you don't like that then you can try the Tempurpedic. My guess is you won't like either of them if you have any back issues.

actually....Tempur-Pedic is not patented.  And this is exactly why no one has completely duplicated it.  Patents only last for so long, if Tempur had a patent when they started out it would have run out by now and you would actually see the same material cropping up in other places.  The thing with patents is that in order to get one you have to divulge how you make the product.  The only people that fully understand exactly what and how they make it are on the inside, which is either impressive or disturbing. But I myself believe there is a reason Tempur is used in the medical world and 'memory foam' is not.  Definitely wouldn't say Tempur is for everyone but it is dramatically different material.
Re: Considering Foam Mattress - Is Tempurpedic Worth the Price Premium?
Reply #6 Jan 24, 2010 7:47 AM
Joined: Oct 8, 2009
Points: 192
I have had two temps in two months, rhapsody (way too firm) now bellafina, i also have a latex from costco right now and am deciding, i am leaning away from temp NOT because of quality, as you can feel the quality when you lay down, it is  clear you are on an expensive mattress, but it just isnt working for my lower back pain and the latex is better

the latex isnt nearly as plush feeling, so it sucks that i have to have one or the other, but pain is pain...

temps are good, but i had a costco sleep science foam also and it was good, in fact i had no pain with that one...

why didnt i keep it, long story, not interesting

i almost drove to flobeds yesterday as it is 2 1/2 hrs away but weather sucks...talked to dave and asked if someone here where i live had one i could lay on but he said he wasnt allowed to do that, yet

i want to lay on a flobed to see if there is any appreciable difference in the way it feels vs the costco
This message was modified Jan 24, 2010 by randys

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